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Baby brother left for the US Coast Guard


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He swore in this morning and will be leaving for Cape May, NJ today...it's official! Our hometown will now be only a vacation spot for him for the next 6 years. My mom, my brother, his girlfriend and I went out for a final celebratory dinner last night and I think we held it together very well. As soon as the door shut behind him we started crying. He'll be in basic training until October then coming home for a few days after graduation before being shipped out again.


I am SO SO SO very proud of him, please send positive thoughts his way so he kicks serious A$$ in boot camp!!! :laugh: I'm going to miss him terribly!

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Aw I bet you will miss him very much! I'm sending some positive thoughts your way! One of my really good friends is doing the same thing! She said she has to do boot camp in NJ too, so she might be going to the same place. She took the test last week so I don't know when she will be going but I know its soon. I wish you the best for you and your family Cindy!

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Best wishes and love from over here too. You have every right to be proud of him - and all other families and loved ones of anyone in any of the allied forces.


I am a strong supporter of the forces, having friends and family (husband's cousin married a chap in the US airforce and has just moved over to the US) and also my own friends in the UK Forces. :)

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