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New owner Much needed advise


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Few Questions hope you guys dont mind..


1.Is it ok to spray angel with water whilst she is in the cage? (to freshen up) Or shud i wait till i can handle her first?


2.Should i let her out to flap her wings even though i'm not able to handle her just yet?


3.When she chirpz do i take that as she wants to interact? Or what does she mean when she does that?


4.Finally is their any air freshner that i can spray in the room that is parrot friendly as you all will know it can get a bit smelly in the room.. (I am a bit of a clean freak... lol)


Thanks in advance



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Jay, you can try spraying her with some water and see what happens, some greys like it and some don't and you will find out real quick which one she is, if she doesn't like it then you will have to wait until you can handle her to bathe her.


If her cage is big enough she can flap her wings inside her cage otherwise you can open her door and see if she will come out. Leave all her food and water inside her cage so she has to go back inside for it.


Chirps are usually just grey communication and it could mean a variety of things, just common grey sounds.


I do not know of a safe air freshener to use around birds, their respiratory systems are very sensitive so we don't use those products. Birds usually don't "smell" although they do smell like a bird but it is not an unpleasant smell and you have to be right up against them to notice it. Personally I like bird smell but then that is me.

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Hope your well


Thanks to the reply..


I dont mean the bird smells when she does her business it tends smelly.


Just thought i should open her cage at the top which i did and she flew straight into the window as i approached her she flew straight across the room into the patio doors and so on until i had to corner her and pick her up for which she started squaking and trying to bite me.. but i did manage to get her back in her cage wher now she is calm hus sat on her perch.. Am i doing something wrong?




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Hi Jay!


It definitely sounds as though your new grey isn't used to you yet. If/when she flies again and lands on the ground, try not to approach her from a standing position. Sit on the floor and talk to her, and approach slowly. Think of it from her point of view (literally)....with her way down on the ground, and you towering over her she might feel very threatened and frightened by this giant two legged creature cornering her. The crash landing is startling enough, and you want to do what you can to calm her down and realize that you're there to help her. When Chimay is doing any "exploring" in our apartment, I'm always sitting or lying on the ground nearby. He seems to get anxious when I'm standing with him on the floor in unfamiliar surroundings.


It might help if you just sit outside of her cage and read, or talk to her. Encouraging stuff...when Chimay chirps and whistles, I say things back to him. Telling him what a good boy he is, stuff like that. I think he likes hearing my voice in response to his noises.


And if I'm not mistaken, bird droppings should not have an odor to them. Are you sure that is where the smell is coming from? If so I might suggest a call or visit to the vet.


How long have you had her for? Please post pictures if/when you have the chance!!! :D<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/08/25 19:42

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No, you haven't done anything really wrong. It's common for birds to fly into windows - Pax has done it a few times. You're lucky that your bird is okay.

Your baby is new, correct? She's still getting used to her new environment and you will need to allow her time for that. As to the biting, I wouldn't worry too much about that. Now is the time have positive bonding experiences with your bird. MAke sure to give her plenty of supervised out of the cage time. Is she still being spoon fed? You could try doing offering her some formula and feeding it to her - that's a good way to earn her trust.

Good luck and let us know how everything is going!!

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I understand exactly what you mean now chimaysmommy about her flying into the window and approaching her standing up it doesn't help me being 6 ft 2 either.


I'v had her for a few days, She is fully weaned and eating herself but i was advised by the breeder to give her some formula to bond with her but i can't get anywhere near her i have been advised to leave her in her cage until she settles down.

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Enzo - Your Breeder is spot on. Until your Grey becomes used to you and the surroundings, leave her in the cage.


I would not recommend trying to mist her at this time either. That will just make you seem more of an evil water spraying monster to her. They can not tell the difference between something they need like a bath and an out-right attack from a stranger. So this can just wait until you become on friendly and trusted terms with her.


Sit and talk to her as much as you can as close as you can, offer treats from outside the cage like apples, grapes, almonds, pine nuts etc and just talk in a happy voice to her.


I know it's hard being so close, yet so far away from a critter you love unconditionally, but they do not reciprocate that same feeling. Remember, they are a prey critter and rightly afraid of strangers and new unidentifiable items.


Look at things through your eyes fo a huge monster saying it's ok buddy, I won't hurt you. :-) Yeah right...your gonna kill and eat me as a snack. ;-)


Trust must be earned, it is not a given with any critter or human.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/25 20:43

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HI All


Think i have had a bit of a break through with my Angel, She for the 1st time in 3 days has had abit of the formula the breeder gave me but still only through the cage via a tooth pick.. It is ok to do it with the tooth pick??




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