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Proud gran of Bobbi

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Hello all,


My family has just purchased our 1st CAG. (It took me a few posts to figure out what CAG was). Never claimed to be fast on the uptake :P .


My daughter (10) has claimed Bobbi (9wk old female) as her own, leaving me the granmother. Oh, well. Guess this is good practice for the future.


We are very excited. I feel like I did when I brought my children home from the hospital. Concerned that I know what I am doing, and worried that I don't do something wrong. And I can't even blame Post pardum depression.


So far things are going great. She is eating well. She is on 3 formula feeds a day. (shouldn't have taken her unweened but didn't realise that was so important). She is eating Avi cakes and pellets out of her dish and drinking water. So I think we are well on our way to weening.


I hope to learn lots from this forum and welcome any suggestions.


I am studying for my Masters in Speech language-path, and I am hoping to be able to use Bobbi as a therapy assistant. Anyone heard of this? Just wondering?


I'll keep you updated.


Bobbbi's Gran

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Welcome Bobbbi's Gran and baby CAG!!!


It's GreYt having you here.


All kinds of critters are uses in therapy to help people, why not a Grey? :-) You'll just need to get her used to new environments and "People Friendly". This can be challenging with some Greys. You will only learn her personality as time progresses.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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