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Hello from Fairfax, Virginia

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Hi all! Just thought I'd introduce myself - and my new CAG (congo african grey right?).


My name's Adam and my new buddy is Bismark. Three days ago I went to visit my mother, and surprise surprise: waiting for me was a beautiful 4 month old CAG.


I have wanted one of these birds since I was 12 - and have read about them over the years. However, never in a million years would I have guessed that I would own one anytime in the foreseeable future.


I'm still in shock - and cannot take my eyes off Bismark. In the few days that I have had him, I have to say he's quite spunky, and growing more fond me daily. He's been extraordinarily affectionate this afternoon, demanding to have the top of his head rubbed. He even went so far as to flutter off his cage onto the floor, run to me, and climb up my pants to get his head rubbed.


He's starting to babble more and more as well - perhaps he will be quite the talker?


Anywho, I will wrap this up. Words cannot describe the joy it brings me to be able to s ay I own one of these fantastic birds - and I look forward to sharing with and learning from this community!




Adam + Bismark bismark.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: snakeopus, at: 2009/08/25 01:43


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Hello Adam and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Bismark.


What a wonderful gift from your mother, she must love you very much and knows how much you have wanted one for so long so she made it happen for you, you are lucky to have her.


I live in Virginia also, I am from north of Roanoke and I have a sun conure and my grey. There are other members from VA also and maybe some close around your area.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks so much for including a picture of Bismark in your intro post, he is a cute little fella.

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OMG not another member from Virginia, you are taking over the world! Just kidding Adam, hello and welcome to the forum. You are sooo lucky having a grey as a gift, you are in for some good times together for sure.


I love the name "Bismark". Look forward to reading your posts to see how you guys gel. B)

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Thank all of you for the kind welcome!


The most surprising part about my mom surprising me with Bismark (and the beautiful cage/toys) was that my birthday is November - nothing special is going on - it was a pure surprise!


I need to get a digital camera, or even a camera phone so I can take more pictures.


One thing that comes to mind immediately - what sorts of toys to greys enjoy? I work 9 - 5, and spend the evenings at home mostly, but realize that greys need intellectual stimulation while alone.


Bismark gets so excited when I come! He starts babbling and eying the door to the cage. I can't wait till we can find games to play and things of that nature.


Again, thank you guys for the warm welcome!

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Adam, please look thru the Homemade toys and playstands room for lots of ideas for toys you can buy and things you can make from commonplace items that will help to keep your grey busy and occupied while you are gone, especially take notice of the foraging ones.

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