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How much attention do Greys need?


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I am generally reluctant to recommend Parrots like African Greys to anyone in your situation. Your life is far from settled and African Greys are a significant commitment. They typically have a fifty year lifespan, about four or five times longer than a dog. If you decide to go away to college, Join the army or go traveling who will look after your Grey? I am sure you understand they are sensitive intelligent beings and they need a sympathetic keeper. Are your parents prepared to bail you out as care givers? You might be better off waiting until your personal circumstances are more stable. Greys are not a responsibility that should be taken on without due consideration. I suspect you know that because you came here to ask advice. Thank you for that. Karma to you :)


Steve N Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/08/24 21:27

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If you are still in school I would definitely say "don't bother". You don't have the time to spend with your Grey - you have school, you have a social life, you have clubs to join, bars to go to (later) - wait until you are old, decrepit and in the house all of the time (oh, that's me) and you can spend all of your time with your grey.


I have wanted a parrot forever - I had a tiel (who are very very very easy to look after in comparison with a grey).


Go out, have a life, get married, have kids, settle down - and then buy a grey if you still want one!


I've never seen the TV for five months since Harvey came home - let alone seen the inside of a bar! :laugh:

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Everyone has given you great advice African, just about the same thing I told you. ;) I hope you think long and hard about this decision because it will be a lifelong decision with a lot of responsibilities! Your only 15 years old so I'm not sure you will be willing to take in all the responsibilities of owning a grey. It's great that you came here for advice before you rushed into getting a grey. I hope to hear from you again whatever you decide. :)

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caitb2007 wrote:

Your only 15 years old so I'm not sure you will be willing to take in all the responsibilities of owning a grey.


Though I generally agree with what the other respondants said, I was 14 when I first got Alexander and look at us NOW . . . 25 years later. :) :) :)

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ScottY wrote:


Though I generally agree with what the other respondants said, I was 14 when I first got Alexander and look at us NOW . . . 25 years later.


I didn't know that you got Alexander so young Scotty, thats wonderful!


I'm not trying to say teenagers can't have a grey, its just that they have to be willing to take in all the duties of owning a grey, and you don't know what your getting yourself into until you actually own one. You know how kids are these days, they are interested in one thing this week but the next week they might want something else. You just gotta make sure your dedicated to the grey its whole life.


I'm young too and there are other members on here younger than me that own a grey, so I'm not saying its impossible to own a grey at a young age. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/08/24 23:15

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Besides everything else that everyone else has mentioned, it is also very costly to own an african grey even if they are not sick or unhealthy.


Vet care is not cheap.


They also do require alot of out of cage time, care and personal attention in order to thrive. I would think that 2.5 hours of out of cage time per day is a must.


Arrangements need to be made when you are away or on vacation. Cleaning up after them is a daily chore that never goes away as well.


It's a very serious responsibility and a longtime commitment.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/25 02:09

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