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Regarding behavior of new babys


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I have to ask because I am seeing a lot of mixed messages here in regards to new babies comming home. After reading some of the posts about new young greys comming home and growling and being afraid and different then at the store, I was a little worried about when mine came home, trying to be prepared for anything. Yet I have to say we are still in the first week with our new Timneh (Yoshi) and since the beginning he has been the sweetest thing ever. Yes, in the beginning he was scared of his huge cage, and he hasn't touched his toys yet inside the cage, but he always was eager to be with us. By now he is really livening up, we have even introduced him to his play stand downstairs so that he can pretty much be with us no matter what we are doing. He loves his scratches, and has been trying some of our foods even though he is still finishing hand-feeding. Almost nothing freaks him out and he seems friendly to all visitors.


I guess my question is, is this just different in every bird, or is this good breeding and socialization from the beginning? Yoshi is just over 4 months old... did it make a difference that we made a couple trips to play with him and learn how to hand feed him at the store before bringing him home?


Thanks for your opinions!

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jessdecutie18 wrote:

I guess my question is, is this just different in every bird, or is this good breeding and socialization from the beginning? Yoshi is just over 4 months old... did it make a difference that we made a couple trips to play with him and learn how to hand feed him at the store before bringing him home?


Thanks for your opinions!


The answer to all 3 of your questions is Yes! :-)

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It sounds like Yoshi is very well socialized! He sounds so sweet too. Not trying to burst your bubble or anything lol, but this is called the honeymoon stage, some last a while and some are short. Ecko was the sweetest, loving, brave little baby when we first brought him home, he would do anything and step up to anyone. Now that honeymoon stage is over for me lol, it lasted about 3 months for me haha. But yes every bird is different so you never know. Anyways, I hope to see some pics of your sweet Yoshi. ;)

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I have a year old Timneh that was very well socialized by her breeder. She came to me very trusting and unafraid. I have tried very hard not to break that trust. Today she is still fearless and very trusting. She accepts toys readily. I will say that she chose me. At the breeder's there were 4 babies and I wanted the youngest. Well the youngest wanted nothing to do with me, but the oldest came to me and wanted to be my companion. So yes, each grey is different and the socialization they receive from the very beginning has a lot to do with everything. I did not meet my grey until I picked her up 3 hours away from my home. But I spoke to her breeder weekly and her routine was written down for me in detail by the breeder. She sat in her travel cage all the way home with me talking to her and with her whistling and chirping back. When we got home I did exactly as her breeder told me. To cuddle and love her for awhile before I put her in her cage. To this day Ana Grey is still a cuddle muffin with me. I hope your Yoshi remains the same for you; fearless and friendly to all.

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My Leto was great for the first week or so when I brought him home. He's the same age and we visited him in the store and stuff too. It took about two weeks before he turned into a little grump, but in retrospect I think that was mostly an issue of us not understanding how to read him. Now (After about a month of being with us) he's back to wanting pets all the time and constantly climbing all over us. We understand each other a lot better.

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B) Wow, All answers and reply's,are great, but you know what I've noticed? These new Grey owners really know what they're talking about and know the questions they need a answer to...It looks like they read the post first... Credit to all at "GreyForum"...{Feel-good-000200BB}

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My new baby is Rani, she is a CAG. She has been with us for a week now. She was very responsive to step up and up up. She lets my wife pet her but does not let me pet her. She will eat from hand and sit on my shoulder etc.


We both socialize with her as much as we can. Today she started to bite me. She has stopped responding to setup etc. When I ask her to step up she grumbles and wants to bite me. I am not sure what happened. She is nine months old. I guess the honeymoon lasted a week.

Any suggestions on turning this behavior around.

Here is a picture of Rani.



Post edited by: qqsbad, at: 2009/08/25 06:26



She was a little testy this morning. Would not step up to me. I had a little talk with her about yesterday. Told her if I upset her I was sorry and that I want to be friends again. I also told her that there can be only one boss here and that is me....and I asked her to think about it. I went back to the cage about 15 minutes later and there she was stepping up like before as if nothing happened between yesterday afternoon and this morning.......<br><br>Post edited by: qqsbad, at: 2009/08/25 17:43

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qqsbad wrote:

My new baby is Rani, she is a CAG. She has been with us for a week now. She was very responsive to step up and up up. She lets my wife pet her but does not let me pet her. She will eat from hand and sit on my shoulder etc.<Snip>


I guess the honeymoon lasted a week.

Any suggestions on turning this behavior around.

Here is a picture of Rani.

imag0028z.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: qqsbad, at: 2009/08/25 06:26


Your right, the Honeymoon is over for you. ;-)


At 9 months old she is learning that she can somewhat control what she wants and when she wants it. She has chosen your wife as the favored and thus the decrease in privileges you have for the cuddle muffin stuff.


The same happened to me when my Grey hit about 6 months old and we had him since 4 months old. he chose my wife.


You will just need to watch her body language and eyes pinning carefully to know when your going to get bitten and just stop you froward hand movement. The only exception to this, is if you must get her to step up so you can place her back in her cage or move her away from an "Off Limits" area.


She has to learn early that there will be times that it is not a debatable step-up. You will probably need to consistently go in with your hand in a fist and bent inwards to stretch the skin on the back of your hand tight so she can not bite and just push through slowly at her lower legs and say step-up. She will have no choice.


She will quickly learn YOUR body language and know when it is non-negotiable. :-)


Enjoy the privilege she still gives you of shoulder sitting and taking treats. :-)

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She was a little testy this morning. Would not step up to me. I had a little talk with her about yesterday. Told her if I upset her I was sorry and that I want to be friends again. I also told her that there can be only one boss here and that is me....and I asked her to think about it. I went back to the cage about 15 minutes later and there she was stepping up like before as if nothing happened between yesterday afternoon and this morning.......<br><br>Post edited by: qqsbad, at: 2009/08/25 17:43


Excellent that you just stood there and talked to her about your feelings :)


Karma to you

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