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Question about my conure


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Hi, I am still anxiously waiting for my CAG to be weaned so I can bring it home probably a week or 2. My question is to those of you with multi-bird households. My rescue sun conure ( I'm 5th home! ) Pekoe, whom I've had 10 months is a wonderful, charming clown & we get along fine. The problem with him is when ever anyone comes over ( which is not all that often- we live way out in the country ) he screams like crazy! So far I have just let him squawk & he will usually eventually quiet down. I make sure he is not rewarded for the screaming by not paying attention to him when he is screaming. It is very hard to have a conversation with anyone when he is squawking because he is very loud!

My question is- I really do not want my baby CAG to develop this habit by seeing & hearing the conure. Should I put the conure in another room when I know someone is coming over? Or should I put a cover on the cage for a few minutes if he doesn't quiet down & then remove it & try again, repeating if necessary .

I really don't know anything about his history, he is hand tamed but very cautious. He prefers to be in his cage, but likes scritches & will take food from my hand. He seems very happy & plays & makes alot of other acceptable noises :)

Is it likely that the new CAG will want to mimic this rowdy conure behavior when company comes?

I would really appreciate any input on how best to handle this, I really don't want the baby CAG to learn this one!

Thank you!

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I have a sun conure also and she will scream more when someone especially someone new comes to our house but she usually will quiet down if I get her out and let her sit on my shoulder. I figure she is just warning me about the people in my house.


I have a grey also but the sun conure was there first and my grey does copy the conure scream but she doesn't do it to an extreme, just occasionally. Now she is the quiet one when anyone comes to the house, she just watches them and observes and usually doesn't say a word.


A grey is going to copy a lot of what he/she hears and that includes any birds or other pets you have in your house along with your phone, microwave, timer, you name it they can copy it.

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I would definatly start putting him in another room when people come over it sounds like he's getting stressed out about strangers in and around his flock. I don't know if you baby would pick it up of not. I have an Amazon and she gets very very loud at time and Tyco tells her to be quiet but never chose to imitate her neither has my baby Grey. MY Ring neck that a different story he even sounds like Fergie(YCA) when he talks and says all the same things that Fergie says in between here screams. So you never know if the sound of your Conure appeals to your baby Grey than there is a good chance he will copy him. covering the cage is not a good way to teach because he may start to think bedtime is a bad thing putting him in a different room is a much better way.

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Thank you so much for the quick replys, putting him in another room seemed to be the best solution to me also. I just wasn't sure if it would be something he would eventually get used to or not. I think because I don't have house guests that often that he IS getting stressed, so it would be fairer to him to take the stress away than to try to make him adjust. Hopefully having a just weaned new baby CAG I will be able to get it socialized early on so it won't feel stressed out by different situations like poor little Pekoe.

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B) Hello, Spock here, My best buddy's are sun's, If you would like to read my slaves post" Sun-shine on my neck" in " Other Birds", you might get a laugh...


Live Long and Prosper :P



Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/26 03:48<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/26 03:54

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Mr Pekoe looks like my Sunny, she is about 4 1/2 years old and she was my first parrot.


Mr Pekoe was probably rehomed so many times because of their scream, some people can't take that but it doesn't bother me, she doesn't do it all the time.


Thanks for sharing a pic of him with us, I just love their bright colors.

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