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Why my TAG stopped talking?


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Hello! We have recently became the owner of a young adult TAG (3years old were told) Sebastian. We don't know much about his background or how many owners he had before.The lady who we got him from had never let him out...CATS! We not even sure he is a boy. We tried to look up his band but no luck:( . And talk about moody!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! He is like a grouchy old man. Some days are better than others. Three days ago he let us scratch his head and the following two days he wouldn't even step up and gave a bleeding finger to everyone who tried. Today, we were able to handle him again, but no headscratches. We going very slow with him,he seems very skidish. He is only been with us for three weeks. A few days after we got him he was talking, saying a lot of words he even learned new ones. Then we had his wings clipped... Since then only a few clacks and whistles and he only says our sun conures name (YO YO)and not much else. Oh, and now he growls at everything. Wish we never done it but we were worried he would fly away accidentally. Can he really be mad at us for clipping his wings? Or we just spooked him really bad.(our friends did the clipping, we didn't want him mad)We hope he will bounce back because he is an excellent talker and he says the funniest things and his timing is perfect. We are not giving up.<br><br>Post edited by: hova74, at: 2009/08/24 02:55

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