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Keeps biting


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Hi All


I'm a a newbsie, just bought the grey home this evening she's 12 weeks old.. I was told by the breeder to feed her by hand a few times so she gets use to me but the min i put her in her cage i can't go anywere near her as she's always attempting to bite me and makes that aggresive noise....


Please Help.

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Why don't you just leave her in her cage for a day or two for her to calm down, she is in new surroundings, new owner and new everything, she is a little overwhelmed at the moment. She needs some time to settle in and she is only reacting that way because she is a little afraid at the moment.


Make sure she has food and water available and do sit by her cage and talk softly to her, tell her she is pretty, tell her about your day and whatever else you can think of, as she gets used to you then she will do better.


Is she weaned? What is her name?


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and this baby grey.

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Thanks for the tips, Her name is angel.. I'll introduce my self on the welcome forum.. She is fully weaned.


She's not had any food since i bought her yesterday evening.. Should i bother her and try feeding her?


Thanks in advance

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Welcome Enzo!!!


You should have fresh food and water in your Greys cage at all times. Even if your Grey growls when your changing it out, you need to perform that function, then sit next to the cage or in a proximity where your grey is no longer growling.


It should not be too long and it will start becoming used to the new people and surroundings. :-)

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Thanks for the advic danmcqe will take it on board.. she does make the odd noise now and again and also does alot of climbing around the cage do i take that as she's getting familiar with her surroundings??


Thanks in advance

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She just makes the noise in general their no paticular time of when she does it..


As i write this msg (thankfully) she has finally started eating and drinking water since yesterday evening. I just really really hope that in time i can begin to handle her is their anything in particular i need to do to begin to handle/pet her etc??



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When you open up the cage for her to come out try to get her to step up on your hand, maybe let her come out of the cage completely before trying and tell her as you are doing it what you are doing. They understand a lot of what we tell them so be sure to tell her, you might try offering her a treat to entice her. If she does step up then don't rush to try to pet her, give her time to get used to stepping up and if she seems hesitant then wait a while and try again.

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As soon as i approach the cage she give's out this almighty growl her beak opens up and she's ready to attack.


Should i leave her to her own devices for a few days??

Just talk to her from a distance so she doesn't feel lonely? And then try again hopefully by then she should feel more at home.



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Yes let her be for now, just talk softly to her, tell her what you are doing and so forth, she will calm down soon and then you can work on getting her out. She just needs more time so don't rush her. If you leave the room and she calls for you just answer her that you will be right back and do so.

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Thankyou very much for that.. I think i'v pestered you enough for today, really appreciate all the help no doubt i will be back asking more annoying questions.


Many Thanks Once again, Speak to you soon


Best Regards



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You are not pestering us at least not me but how are you gonna learn without asking questions, ask anything you like but don't forget about introducing yourself in the welcome room or I might have to get nasty with ya, ha ha, just kidding but do it.;) B) :laugh:

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Hi Enzo, glad to hear that things are going better with Angel now that she has had a chance to settle in? Be patient and talk to Angel as if she were a person. Tell her what you are doing and relax. If you are relaxed she will calm down sooner as grey's can read your body language and feel your energy. So be calm and so will your new baby. Can't wait to hear more about Angel and see some pictures of you have a chance.

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