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I have been Buster's foster parent for several months now. We have made a lot of progress, but I just can not interest him in bathing. We have tried the shower (ended quite badly), a misting bottle and his own shallow tub. Nothing works. We have actually worked our way up to him sitting on the shower curtain rod to watch me. I flap my wings and whistle his favorite songs and basically act like a complete dork to inspire him but all it takes is one stray sprinkle of water and he's gone.


He's so super dusty all the time and his feet definitely need to be cleaner. Any suggestions for my dirty boy?

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Well, I must cage my Grey and either mist him with a spray bottle until drenched or as now in the summer, I roll him outside and shoot a cone spray from the hose with nozzle over his cage and let it rain down on him for about 20 minutes. I then mist him with Aloe Juice 100 percent strength from a spray bottle after that.


Many Greys will not take a bath willingly. :-)

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