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Break through Day for Jim !!!


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:lol: Major day for Jim: Jim's voice sounds like a 26 to 30 year old young man's voice. Two of Jim's sentences are "Hello Jim" and "Can I have a kiss?". Everyday since we've had him, I say "Hi Jim" and "Gimmee a kiss". Two days ago, he started saying in my voice (Jay's) "Hi Jim" and "Gimmee a kiss". He still says the other sentences in the other voice. (It sounds like Jay's voice). He has been spending a lot more time walking around the outside of his cage. The last few days he has been flapping down from his cage to the couch and will get up to the back of the couch by my head. When we feed Spock, Salsa and Jim, Jim stays in his cage, Salsa in on her playpen and Spock is not too far away in the kitchen on the back of the chair. This morning, Maggie was holding Salsa and Spock in the kitchen and was feeding them. Jim flapped into the kitchen and I picked him up. Spock climbed to the top of my head LOL, and Maggie fed all three their smash with a spoon. It was cute! Major breakthrough for Jim. I then walked Jim through the house (I have done this a number of times) before returning him to the couch back. When Jim says "Gimmee a kiss", or you ask him for a kiss, he leans forward, touches your nose with his beak and makes a bop sound (He knows what he's doing). Four or five days ago, we found out that Jim likes Elvis and soft rock. His favorite song is the "Hockey Pockey". Maggie has to sing it to him daily and dance with him..:woohoo: Whenever we play Elvis or some other songs, he bobs his head up and down vigorously and whistles to us to join him:laugh:

A note on Spock: He still not talking but Spock and Jim communicate definitely through whistles and sounds. Two sounds that Spock makes that sound so close to spoken words is "Jim" and "Hello" (?)

p.s.Most of this relates to danmcq post about words....

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GreYt update on Jim!! He is making very good progress.


That Spock is very sneaky, he landed on your head to perform a "Mind Meld" and convince you that Jim is not nearly as intelligent as a Vulcan. :P


I love the "BOP" sound and nose touch Jim does in response to the "Gimmee a Kiss".!!


I always enjoy your updates. :-)

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That's so grey't that Jim is fitting in so well that's wonderful news I like the way he touches your nose and say gimme a kiss with the little bop sound also its very cute how he likes to dance also. its sounds to me like Jim is a very happy fellow to have landed in your home. Keep the updates coming I just love to here about the adventures your birds are having.

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