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Just want to say hi


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Well i Live in Tacoma, WA. I am a stay at home mom, we currently have two dogs and American Bulldog and a Papillon, a cat, 2 pet rats and 4 pet snakes.


We are adding a baby Timneh to the bunch! Its a boy his name is Tango and he will be here in the begining or middle september he is being rasied by Beakers Parrot Place!


I had a Congo growing up and as much as i loved him he wasnt vary nice so we decided to go with a Timneh and plan on adding a male sloman island eclectus in a couple months.


We go and see him once a week and i will be going to see him today So i will bring back some more pictures when i get back! These are pictures Beakers took.





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Hello As1720 and welcome to our family, its so nice that you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Tango.


So you are no stranger to greys having had one as a child but whether you go with a Cag or Tag they each have their own personality and individual traits but as you are more mature and knowledgeable now you will know how to handle them.


You have a wide range of pets, an interesting mix with rats and snakes along with a cat and dogs but to each their own, I am more of a cat person myself having had at least one cat for most of my life, my interest in birds coming later in life. I also have a sun conure along with my 3 year old Cag.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and don't hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks so much for sharing a couple of pictures of Tango with us as we usually have to ask for them and I look forward to seeing some more after your visit today.

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Hi we're practicly neighbours I live in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia so we are only about a 2 hour drive from each other what a beautiful little baby you have there I have 2 Congo's one that I rescued a couple years ago. The other a baby that I've raised from 5 weeks old. She was hatched on Feb7,2009. Welcome to our family you have quite the collection Pets at your house. oh yea I almost forgot I have a Papillon also. I have 3 dogs and 6 birds and I wouldn't want to be without any of them. I look forward to seeing more pics of Tango and hearing all about him when he comes home and also while your still visiting him.

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Thanks for the warm welcome!


Sadly i forgot my camera! But Elaina at beakers let me use her camera so we took a bunch of pictures, just have to wait to get them.


We also have decided we are going to go ahead and try to purchase a baby eclectis from them now, the have the SWEETEST baby and we just have fallen in love with him over all our visits with Tango.


I will post pictures as soon as they are sent to me! We wil hopefully be going back soon because they may be adopting a puppy i will be fostering.


Did i mention that? I foster puppies too.

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OK So not 100% on the eclectus yet we will know for sure in the morning.


Here are a couple pictures we took. Tango REALLY likes the camera! And giving me kisses! He took his first flight while we were there too! He makes the cutest sqeaky wheel sound! I am SOOO in love!







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