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Change in behaviour


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Hiya everyone, I was wondering if you could give me your opinion and general advice regarding this.


Recently Gizmo has been acting differently towards me. He used to nearly always allow me to scratch his head and tickle by his ears and under his chin but lately he wont let me do it at all?


He doesn't bite me but if you didn't know him you would probably think he is going to, his feathers go very tight and stops my hand touching him by what I call him 'attacking' my finger in his beak without biting it.


He still says all his favourite words and is eating his food.


All I can think of is the following for his change of behaviour:


1) My Girlfriends family have just started coming to my house and I allowed 2 members to hold him (I got him on my arm and put him on their arms) He bit out at the youngest member.


He used to be such a laid back character with me but everytime I try to touch him now, he seems moody with me??

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Well, after reading and considering your post. You could have lost a little trust by performing #1 in handing your Grey off to children. Most Greys do not feel comfortable around them.


Remember, Flock members never put each other at risk. Your Grey may feel he was put into an unsafe position by you.


Other than that, your Grey may just not want a scratch the time and thats how they communicate it. :-)

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Harvey has changed his attitude towards my husband over the last few weeks. He will step up when he needs removing from something and he'll fly and sit on his knee, but if he tries to scratch him or touch him in any way he puffs up and bites out.


He used to love him, so I'm not sure why he's changed - my husband certainly hasn't done anything wrong to him to make him scared or not like him - he's just changed.


It's getting to the point now where my husband won't retrieve Harvey in case he does get bitten - this has already happened with the kids - they won't go near him any more as Harvey is so horrible to them and bites at the first opportunity. :(

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Harvey's 8 months and would let me do anthing to him - he even still loves me when I've chased him around with the mister bottle! He changed when we returned from our holidays and had been separated for two weeks. From the day we came home he just wouldn't do anything for Michael. It's not like when we were away he got attached to my mother and became a "female liker" - he was my dad's best friend.

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