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regurgitating as part of sexual behaviour- male o


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Regurgitating as part of sexual behaviour in Greys: I was wondering if there were roles assigned in this - who is the regurgitator and who is the receiver? Or do both sexes play both parts? With Kakariki parakeets, it is only the male who regurgitates for the female.

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That regurgitation is a part of a bonding process. Breeding greys will do it and so will pet birds that are being kept in the same cage and to their owners too. Pet greys do it to each other even when they're not at the mature breeding age. Just like humans who are tongue kissing to finalize that hot and heavy going steady process.

Breeders do it less after they've had a couple of successful clutches. At that point it's male to female simply to feed chicks.


""""""Or do both sexes play both parts?"""""


What's that mean? Male deciding to be a female and female deciding to be a male??

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