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I've Heard that Noise Before!!!


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The Aviator Harness scream has returned - but not with the harness (that's still good in the hood!)


Having read everything about aloe juice and its benefits I went and got some today (it's not cheap here mind you!), bought a new spray bottle (meant for birdies) filled it up, took Harvey to his stand, gave him the bottle to bite for a moment and told him he was going to have a "little spray".


Well....One spray and all hell broke loose!! You'd think I was throttling him! So, I thought - right, we'll go in the shower cubicle - that's where you shower, with no protestations! Nope - same again. He hates the mister!!!! So, short of breaking into the water system and infusing it with Aloe, I'm not entirely sure how he's ever going to get the benefit!!! :(<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/08/22 17:47

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LOL!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!


Thanks for the belly laugh Jill, wiping tears from eyes......


The only way I can mist my Grey is in the cage, where there is no escape. I used to in the shower when he was 16 weeks old, but that only last until he was 20 weeks and figured out he could fly over or around me to get out. :P


Sorry you had such a bad go of it, but the bright side is, it is a funny as hell story!! :-)

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Jeez, thanks for the sympathy Dan. I came on here crying, looking for sympathy - and what did I get? :laugh:


The next installment this morning - I got the bottle out of the cupboard - he was miles away from me on top of his cage and when I turned round he was gone!! :evil:


I've read on the bottle that it's good for "the bowels" - so I might drink the stuff myself! :ohmy:

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Ah poor baby doesn't like his bath neither does Tyco she much prefers the shower but I have been persistant and I must say she is getting better at least she will actually stay on top of her cage now where as when I first started she would cower behind it and hide. She does like to bath/shower so I guess since she not getting taken to the shower any longer she figures this is the only way she's going to get wet and she's right.

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Hi Judy ~ I have no problems getting him wet - he'll sit in the shower no problem (no fluff up though) but I want to get that aloe under his wings and into his skin - he may as well have come dressed in a wet suit!! ;)


Do you think if I turned him upside down and dangled him by his feet the feathers may fluff up!!! (joking)!


My tiel used to love being misted - hung himself nearly upside down (even at 17 years of age) in order to get a good soaking - one day, oh one day, that will be Harvey!!! :lol:

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