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larrys wing injury, any advice please.


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larry has been his usual self, getting into mischief. he has somehow dislodged a larry barrier and fallen off along with other things. next thing i saw him on the floor(it happened all so quickly) i have noticed that his wing is hurt as he is resting it not as tight in as the other. he is talking eating drinking and also can still fly although unsteadyish. i know this is causing discomfort but he seems fine.it looks red underneath in the joint area. is this something that needs sorting or will it sort itself out? the incident happend 3 hours ago.Is he talking alot because he is in pain or would he sit quiet and withdrawn. has anyone got any advice please.

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yes i would take my child to the doctors but unlike children birds cant tell you how much things hurt, or its harder to spot. i just wondered if birds bruise or sprain the same as we do. this is his first mishap and although i know him very well and he seems ok. would he still fly around if he were badly hurt.

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As Char said, it is better safe than sorry. Only a vet can tell if your Grey has more damage than just a "Sprain". You can not see internal joint and bone structure.


Also, if he is in pain, your vet will give some meds that will ease it and also he or she would probably advise to keep him caged and quiet to let it mend for a few days.

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One of mine injured his wing a few weeks ago. He still tried to fly!

The avian vet diagnosed soft tissue damage and he was given Metacam to relieve any pain.He also had to stay in his cage for a few days to rest his wing. I would definetly suggest you take your baby for it checking out.


Hope everything will be okay.

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Yes a vet visit for sure and he probably is in some pain but it is natural for them to not cry out in pain as that would surely bring predators in the wild. Plus Caroline speaks from experience as she just recently had pretty much the same problem with one of hers.


Be sure to keep us posted on how he is.

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A vet check is a must.My grey had a similar injury and after a set of xrays it was decided soft tissue and bruising was the problem,not a break as was first thought.He was given metacam and started to fly after about a month.A vet must diagnose.

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Thanks 2 everyone for some great advice. i have been out and not long returned. larry seems more settled and his wing is more relaxed, resting in his cage at the moment getting stuck into his fruit. if i still feel uneasy about him tomorrow than a sunday emergency vet it is. with any injury you always think the worst, i hope it is just soft tissue. i will keep posted.

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no need for a vet appointment, after a long nights rest, woke up sunday morning and larry was normal his wing had gone back he was full of beans his usual self. i guess we have been very lucky.thanx 2 eveyone on the advice, these things cannot be take too light hearted.

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