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landing on my head.


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Adaya still lands on my head but she is getting better. she know I don't want her up there so she is starting to land on my shoulder. I just kept putting my arms up when she started flying towards me so she would land on my hand or arm instead of my head you could start shaking your head also so its an unsafe perch and that might help

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Any bird naturally tries at first to land on the highest place....your head. :-)


Judy gave good advice.


You can also just move your head while they are trying to land or if they do land just bend forward so they fall off.


They learn very rapidly what a bad perching area is and will no longer try, after a few bad experiences.


Kinda of like them flying to a small lamp, trying to land and having it fall over. They normally only try landing there once, maybe twice at most.

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i have tried shaking my head but he just hangs on for dear life. i will try to intercept him b4 he does it that might work better. thanks for all ur suggestions.


and janfromboone i never knwe they slept like this either, he did it on the sofa the 2nd day i had him, he was 11 weeks when i got him.


how old is tobie?

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