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How many have TAG,CAG


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I have a TAG she is a sweet laid back bird. Has yet to draw blood when she bites.

She does not like to be touched. This was not always true when she was young she would offer her head to be scratched but slowly she stopped doing this at about 2 years of age.

Nothing happened she just stopped over time.

She is a closet talker. And can go weeks without saying human words.

She is good about new toys and not a fearful bird. Except of my husband he is to loud and moves to fast and spooks her a lot.

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Guest Lidia

Got CAG. Good-tempered and friendly, quite sociable too. Can have hissy fits and temper tantrums from time to time. He's eighteen years old, had him since he was four months old. Great talker, mimicker, and gesturer, playful and tactile, likes to cuddle. Sits on my shoulder while I'm watching the telly and preens ...<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/13 13:13

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