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Poor Conure Photo's


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;) Buddy, is a Crimson-Headed conure,(cherry-headed) He is a member of the mitered family,one of the larger conure, he is the size of a small Grey...:) He mimics very well, he has a large vocabulary, they are also very noisy...He eats out of my fingers through the cage bars now...:P<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/21 20:40
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Jay - I am the one sorry.


I spoke too soon, not knowing it was a young Cherry head and thus "Assumed" it was a Mitred. The red cap will indeed become full with a little more aging. We all know what happens when one assumes......


It is indeed a Cherry head and a stinker at that!! :-)

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;) No problem, It's so hard to hold up a bird at the 25 cent photo booth and getting a good picture, especially one with a beak like Buddy's !!!:blink: You should have seen all the tricks I used to look under his wings.:ohmy: :ohmy:
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Ok so we finally settled the mystery, Buddy IS a cherry head conure but a young one that his entire head is not red yet, I was beginning to think neither one of you knew, glad we got that settled. He does look a little intimidating with that beak of his but he is pretty, can't wait to see what he will look like when he gets his full red cap.

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