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So I brought Yoshi, our new Timneh, home yesterday. Found out the lady had given us the wrong information, she/he is 4 months old, not two and a half... which makes more sense lol


Yoshi is so cute! Had him in a pet carrier on the way home, and he did just fine. Got him home, talked to him a bit, passed him back and forth between my husband and I, then started putting him in his new cage on different perches and stuff... he didn't seem scared of anything, it's a big cage and already has plenty of toys and a wood perch, rope perches, and a cement perch. We didn't place the perches too high...


Thing is, while Yoshi isn't freaking out or anything, he didn't touch any of his toys at all, and besides climbing the outer bars around the cage a couple times, he stayed in the same spot doing nothing. Haven't seen him eat or drink water. He is still handfeeding once a day though. I showed him the water dish, took a couple pieces of food out of the food bowl and he ate them from me just fine. Have a small piece of millet in the cage, which the lady said he likes, and he didn't touch it, but when I pulled a few pieces off and gave them to him he grabbed them happily. He was preening his feathers and stuff on my hand, accepting kisses and stuff. But I just put him in his cage and he stays there unmoving lol, just looking out wanting to step up.


We went to bed last night late, had been in the computer room where Yoshi is, said goodnight. He was in the same place in the morning,against the front of the cage, balancing on a couple baby links. I got him out, cuddled, he was super squeaky this morning lol, squeaked at me and my husband, seemed happy to be out. My husband had him while I got ready for work, apparently he is biting my husband a little hard, and Mike (husband) says 'Ah, ah, ah, NO' everytime. Hopefully that will work?


I'm not trying to bore you, just want to see others views on if I'm doing this right, lol. Apparently he has never been misted or bathed yet too... I'll probably start him out being misted in the bathroom sink?


Well, any advise would be appreciated!

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I am sure Yoshi will be fine, just give him a few days to settle into his new home, everything is new to him right now and he is taking it all in.


He will find his food and water when he gets hungry but otherwise he sounds like he is doing just fine.

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I worried about Dixie the same way for a week - while she would eat if I fed her, she sat on her food bowl all night long....which I felt was extremely uncomfortable for her. Slowly she started exploring the other perches and now has her favorite "roosting" spot where she sleeps during the night. She also has her favorite "nap" spot and she goes to it, even if her cage is open, to crab a quick cat nap.


Congrats on Yoshi, you'll do great!

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He is still very strange in his new home.Talk to his,feed him treats from your hand and give him time.Dont rush him into anything, go at his pace.If he is nipping it is most likely he is a bit unsure. Go slow.

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