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UV lighting for the winter months


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I've been a little concerned over the lack of sun we have had in the UK this summer, sometimes we have had a sunny day and I've been here alone and therefore unable to lift Beau's cage outside for him to enjoy the sun. With the autumn and winter seasons fast aproaching I've decided that to maintain his health he will need some sort of UV lamp or lighting of some sort to take us into next summer. This is what I've just purchased:




I would appreciate any feedback from other members as to if this particular item is a good buy - I got 10% off for buying now. Will this benefit Beau and how often should it be switched on? Anything else I should know about this item?


Now I only have to explain to my husband why the bank has been emptied to the tune of £78 - I bought palm nuts too. :S :ohmy: :P

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I have been wondering about getting the same product.I am scared of Charlie getting hold of a wire or something.He has been outside in the aviary quite a bit and I always tell him he is getting his sunshine vitamins.I will be very interested to hear what others say.

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Right now, I live in soouthern california, and my birds are out from 10am to 5:30pm almost every day. I don't know much about UV lighting, except that I have heard that if you cant get a sunburn from it by sticking your hand directly under it for 2 hours, it isn't good enough. Personally, I dont have time to devote 2 hours to trying to get a sunburn on my hand, so I will be waiting to hear back about the lamp as well. We will be moving to WA state soon, and I will need to get a UV lamp.


On another note, where did you get the palm nuts? They seem to be reallllllllllllllllly hard to find over here and my birds dont like the oil.

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Thanks for the feedback, this particular site (the link I've given you) have the palm nuts too but as Sheila said the shipping could be more. This time I bought a 1kg pack as it's a much cheaper way of buying and I have recently increased Beau's intake of them - I may increase further when I get this new order as he adores them and they are good for him. Jen, you put them in the freezer and take them out about an hour before giving them, they defrost quickly and freeze well because of the high oil content - this is recommended by the site.


I apprecate the comments regarding the lighting, this site offers other items giving UV light as well as the item I bought. Comments from customers is encouraged - not only good feedback and previous buyers seem to think the lighting has a good effect on their birds mood and general health during the winter (Scotland is particularly dreary here in the winter ;-) fortunately I'm in the extreme south and it is a little better) anyway what I've bought is the most suitable for Beau and me as strip lighting is not suitable for the area Beau is in. The item I bought fixes to the cage, the wire is kept away from inquisitive beaks by another device that comes with it. You can also buy a UV light bulb which fixes into a normal light fitting but my lighting consists of a 5 small bulb fitting and the lamp I have is an uplighter and only the ceiling would benefit from this :P As I see it, even if it doesn't give as much "sun" as the real thing it's better than none at all. Oh I wish I lived somewhere where the sun is a feature all year round.


Oh dear, I have gone on a bit - sorry.

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Move up here Julie - the North East Riviera (just south of dreary Scotland to those who don't know it)!! Plenty of sun, sea, sand..... yip, we've got sea and sand - not the sun tho - that was kind of a lie!!


I thought about one of these lamps too - but what about the electricity? Do they use much - I pay Powergen enough I think at the minute!!! ;)

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I hope it works for Beau Julie, I bought the same kit for Chalie and he freaked having something over the top of his cage.

I also worried about the wires as they spend a lot of time on each others cages.


Let us know how he gets on wont you:)

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Ha Ha! I didn't for one minute think it was a swipe Julie - it's not your fault I live in the most Northern, cold, wet, miserable county in England!!


Oh yeah - incidentally - it's tipping it down here!!!


Perhaps I should buy a sunbed shop for the coming months - plenty of UV light there!! ;)

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I can't speak to that particular lamp, but I use full spectrum compact fluorescent lamps for all my cages. It looks like this unit has the same type of lamp.


They have made a significant difference as evidenced by improved vitamin levels. I can tell you I wouldn't get a sunburn off these lamps - I'm glad, too, as they are mounted on the top of the cages.


I put mine on timers, running them about 12 hours a day. They are definitely worth the money.


Happy birds!

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