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New Grey brought home today

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Hi, my name is Becky and I live in Nashville, TN. I love all animals and have many. I volunteer regularly at The Nashville Zoo with the Lorikeets. I'm none as the bird's toy.


Through my relationships at the zoo, I was referred to a woman wanting to find a good home for the 4 year old African Grey Parrot. I was interested, of course, and within 2 days, the bird, Red, was mine, free of charge with food, cage, etc.


I picked him up and brought him home today and thought I'd post on here for any advice. The woman who owned him is a smoker and smoked in the house, right next to Red. That concerns me. I took pics of Red today and everytime I did it, he made this noise that was either a growl, or a respiratory wheeze. He looks healthy, his eyes are clear, nostrils clear, sleeps on one foot. He's vocal, eats well and seems fine...I'm just concerned of the effects of cigarette smoke and wonder what precautions I should be taking now, even though he seems healthy.


He breaths fine, except when I try to take a picture of him, then he makes the funny sound. Thanks.

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Becky, that is so sad that Red's former owner was so thoughtless and uncaring to smoke around Red but I am glad you found out about him and now he is in your care.


I believe the first thing you need to do is take Red in to see an avian vet for a full workup to make sure he is healthy and has no lingering problems with smoke damage, their respiratory systems are more sensitive than ours and that would be my utmost concern right now. It won't be cheap but isn't he worth every penny?


That might answer the question about what he does when you try to take a picture but you don't know what he went thru in his former home and maybe the sight of a camera is a reminder of something there.


He is a pretty grey if that is him in your avatar but please feel free to post any additional pictures you may have for we love pics here.

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Welcome Becky and Red!!


It's GreYt having you and Red here. :-)


The noise you are hearing is probably a growl, which Greys will do when afraid. The camera is probably something new to him and of course, so are you. ;-).


It will take a week or two, maybe even more, for red to settle in to his new home and surroundings including the new flock he has joined.


Time and patience will bring out the real red in there.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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Thank you everyone for your help. I plan to take him to see an avian vet, just in case....I have to think about my other bird, as well.


I do believe what Red is doing is a growl, as he seems to do it at times he is scared. He's eating great, drinking and poop looks normal.


Yes, that is a picture of Red...I'd like to get one from the back to show the shape of his feathers, but that's not going to happen.


I gave him things he didn't have before that are vital to all birds, vitamins and minerals, seed stick, a sanitized cage and perches, beak conditioner and even a place to cuddle. I also bought him some cat balls with a bell in it. He LOVES them. He picks them up and shakes his head fast back and forth to hear the bell. He'll do that for a long time. Then, he finds a way to pull the bell out of the ball, leaving the ball intact. I have to step in and put the bell back in. He wants to crack the bell open. It's funny to watch him play with them. He seems like a pretty well adjusted bird, so far. I'll keep you posted.

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