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Taming a Wild Grey


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He's not wild, actually, but has only been handled when his wings were clipped or to move from one cage to another.


Right now, my 8 year old TAG is terrified of people. He wasn't offically a rescue, but he isn't used to people either.


I am willing to put in the time and effort to teach him to tollerate me, then trust me, and hopefully more in the long run.


I am open to any suggestions about how to help him relax with his new home.


So far, I simply sit next to his cage for about an hour a day and talk to him constantly. I leave the radio on for him during the day, and he gets along with my other parrot.


I was very excited yesterday, when he calmed down enough to clean his feathers while I was next to his cage.


Are there any exercises anybody could sugguest to help him out? I am open to any ideas. Thank you in advance!

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