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grey falling to the bottom of its cage

Guest Spectatrix2

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Guest Spectatrix2

My african grey has a particular toy in its cage that it likes to do battle with on occassion. She hangs from the bottom of the toy, back side down, and goes to war with it. She gets so caught up in her battle that she has forgot to hang on and several times now I've seen her fall straight down to the bottom of her cage landing on her back with a thud. She never seems to be the worse for wear though. This is a big-ass cage so the distance to the bottom of the cage is quite a drop. She loves this toy - or hates it - but it seems to get a lot of her attention. Wondering if I should remove it, or should she be fine?

Like I say when she plunges to the bottom of the cage she just shakes it off and seems fine.

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Guest MorningDove16

My TAG does it, too. He only has a drop of about 6 inches, and lands in the soft bedding stuff on the bottom. It's really funny, though. He'll sit there for a moment, and start picking around on the bottom of the cage, like he meant to do it. Then it's back up the side of the cage to attack the toy again.


Bass Wishes from South Florida


Reply by email to k a z e e jk at ay-oh-well dot com.

Just remove the spaces, fix the last part, and so on.

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