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getting a puppy dog


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My husband and I are going to get a dog, and we are looking at German Shepard/Boxer mix.


I have a 9 year old African Grey, who is our baby still, and I need to make sure that I do everything I can to get these two animals to get along with each other. It would just break my heart if the dog someday killed my grey.


What great advice do you have for introducing and training both dog and parrot together?


We are looking at getting a very young puppy, 2-3 months old, which I can easily supervise interaction with the bird, and of course the bird will be in the cage when I am not around.


But I would like to not worry when I have both animals out in the same room. we all know how easily a grey can get startled, jump of the perch, which startles the dog, and it's that startled dog instinct I am afraid of....


My Husbands suggestion : Just let the bird bite the dog a few times when it is young, then the dog will know not to mess with it. (I think he was joking, but you never know..)


What experiences and advice do you have regarding birds and dogs getting along together?




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Welcome Phred!!


Truthfully, you cannot trust a Dog around your bird without up-close and personal supervision.


I have Dobermans and for the most part they are used to my Grey. However, when he flies, they get excited, like most dogs do, because they are sight oriented and that wing flapping and air beating down on them gets them very excited.


Letting you bird bit your dog is a VERY BAD thing to try. My dogs would bite back instantly in retaliation, as would a German shepherd.


I have my dogs and birds out at the same time, but I watch them like a hawk and truthfully, there have been 2 very scary incidents in the last 2 years. I know that only 2 days out of 730, but that 2 too many.


Just introduce them at a distance and let them become used to each other. After that, all you can do is see how the relationship develops.


I need to add, my Grey is now flighted so he can stay away from the dogs safely. When we first got him he was clipped and could not escape if he tried to flap down somewhere.


Others will have other opinions. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/20 22:31

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Thanks for your responses, my grey is clipped, although she loves to flap her wings. so I guess I should try to get the dog used to that if I can. she will leap when she gets startled and depending on how long its been since her last clip she can get pretty far before sliding into the wall. so i'm afraid the dog would get to her before I do.


and I expect the bird will be just as curious about the dog as the other way around, so I need to make sure she is the not the one starting it :)

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I have 2 small dogs and 1 large dog my Shih Tzu mothers the birds and if the fly off their playstand she will stay very close to them so noone steps on them by accident she will bark until someone comes and picks them up to put them back. My Pappion will help her if I'm else where in the house he will come and bark like crazy until I follow him and see whats wrong and there will be Gloria guarding the bird. Just to make sure nothing happens to it she's a real mother hen:laugh: My large dog Is ok around the birds but he is mostly out doors anyway. He prefers it out doors he comes in around 11pm and goes out around 8am so I don't really have any problems. a German Shepard x boxer I would say you will have to keep an eye on hopefully if you get him as a puppy and grows up around the birds he will be ok with them I would definitely let your birds wings grow out so he can escape if need be.

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Given that every dog has their own personality like every grey does, you will just have to watch them and see how they react to each other for a long time and then never assume anything on either one's part.


I have three pugs (Mooshu, Sushi and Chow) and they are not allowed in the room with Dixie. Dixie is easily startled it seems and will sometimes just jump off her porch or swing for no reason. While I trust Sushi and Chow (both are big chickens) I am afraid Mooshu would go after her - he chases the wild ducks in the yard.


Sterling the U2 watches around his cage when the dogs are in the house - and he stays there. When they are outside he wanders off his cage and all through the house. Again, Sushi and Chow are scared to death of the birds (for no reason honestly), but Mooshu has some gumption and is curious.


Never put either your puppy (which will grow up to be a dog) or your Grey in a position that they cannot possibly handle. Supervision is a must. Even the most careful parront cannot always predict what our animals will do.

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My German shepherd (1 year old) gets on great with my Grey (7 months old). I still supervise them very closely, as the dog does get very excited and could accidentally hurt the bird.


They do play together, with the bird trying to grab the dog's nose with her food, and the bird teases the dog when she is in her cage and knows the dog can't get to her.


Like Dan said though, when the bird flies and flaps, the dog instinctively jumps up at the bird, except when birdie decides to annoy the dog by dive bombing hahah.

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