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Grey Insurance


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I seached some of the past topics and really didn't find too much on health insurance for my Grey in the U.S. I did contact VPI and received a qoute of $15 per month and an additional $23.25 per month for the Well Care Policy if I choose...I will of course! They do require I wait until I have owned Wyatt for 2 months. Does anyone else out there have any advice or comments that may be helpful? Are there any other recommended companies? Any and all help is appreciated...




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I appreciate the feedback...There really wasn't a whole lot of info in the search for US insurance. I figured I would bring the topic back into light to get any new input. VPI's rates aren't bad at all...I will definately be getting the insurance, I would just like to know what other reputable companies are out there and has anyone had to use their insurance. How helpful were they?

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We have VPI policies for our birds and they are wonderful. They send birthday cards, have an easy claims process and great customer service. You might also consided having your bird on a personal articles (PAP) policy in case he/she escapes or dies. Your home owners or renters insurance agent can quote that for you. There is no deductible. A lot will even cover reasonable expenses like fliers and a small reward to get the pet back if he gets out.

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I have all my three insured as well.

Its with a company called Golden Valley.

I think its definetley worth having, just think of the huge bills if you bird had a serious illness or an injury.

Its good you are considering having insurance.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/08/23 14:33

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With exotic direct I pay £11 for charlie and £4 for Cracker per month. I have used them for six years now.I think thats not bad as I have had almost £1000 from them in vet bill claims.

I do know golden valley are a good company aswell but im not sure of the premiums or what they cover.

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  • 6 months later...

Having 5 birds, I am looking into insurance. I would like well bird coverage as well as accident/illness. Does anyone here in the US know if the prices VPI have are per bird vs. one price for how ever many birds you have?

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I've been squirreling away about $20.00 /month since I got my parrot in September. Should anything happen before I get a decent sized "nest egg" (pun intended), then I'll line up with Jill at kidney sale.


I can't remember who it was, but it was one of us who was able to do this. They did this with the intent of being able to pull the money out for both a vet bill or a reward should the parrot get out. It would need to be substantial enough of a reward to cause someone to want to return the bird without keeping it.


Anyway, I thought this was an ingenious idea, and I actually like the options that cold cash gives me over an insurance policy which wouldn't cover a reward. :blink:

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That's a good point you make. However, I have 3 VERY needy parrots...needy in they'd prefer TOYS to health insurance....:S Just not sure I could put enough away for them vs health ins. I really need to research this more. Thanks for the good idea, it's worth pondering........:huh:

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VPI has a link to Exotic Pets which asks you to call them for a quote. It sounded like around $100 a year though. I plan to call on Monday so I will let you all know what I learn. I will go ahead and ask about multiple birds since some of you want to know.

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I have called VPI. I get a discount with them or something thru work, actually I think they can direct deduct the fee from my paycheck not a discount.


I don't recall the quote but it was very much worth it. This was before we got the second bird.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I did finally talk to VPI. They have two levels of insurance for the parrots. The first is their basic "sick" parrot insurance for emergencies and such. You can add onto that their "well" parrot policy which covers annual care appointments and tests or at least part of their cost. You must have already owned your parrot for 60 days before you can insure him/her. The cost was reasonable. I think it was like $25 a month and $35 a month respectively. Since I got the quote the week the forums were down I forgot but you will need to call to get it anyway. I intend to get both policies once Hawkins has been here the sixty days.

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