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Today's the day!


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So after work,this afternoon, my husband and I will finally be able to bring our baby home! Very excited, we spent a long time yesterday working on his cage, scattering numerous toys and perches throughout.


We are waiting for the results of the blood test to say the name for sure, but we have decided on 'Yoshi' if it's a girl and 'Bowser' if it's a boy :)


He is just over 2 months old, down to one hand feeding a day, which my husband and I will be taking over until he is completely weaned. We bought him $100 worth of toys in his nice cage, and are going to buy a playstand for him as well.


Any tips for us, and for the bird's first couple days in our home? Any comfort foods we should give him? Is he supposed to be having baths yet, or being misted with water? Or is he too young?


I've been reading lots of stuff, but any advice you guys can give me would be nice :)


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Congrats on bringing your baby home!! I bet you are sooo excited! If your baby is fully feathered then you should start misting him or giving baths, the sooner you start the more he will get used to it. I would put some towels at the bottom of the cage in case he isn't good at climbing, and put the perches low. I can't wait to hear how it goes and see some homecoming pictures! ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/08/20 16:02

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You can bath your baby it will help to get them used to it early I started bathing Adaya really early in the bathroom sink because she was such a messy eater. Baby greys are quite clumsy so you will want to keep perches down low and put a couple of nice thick towels over the grate cover them with news paper so they don't get dirty so fast. every week move the perches up a little at a time until they are at there proper level.

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All this negative stuff I'm reading from you guys about clipping there wings is worrying me... I posted before about the fact that my baby's wings were trimmed last Saturday before I had a chance to object, and I probably wouldn't have objected anyways, as I have read a lot about clipping being a good idea before I came to this forum. I asked her how long till they grow back, she said a few months, but she seemed surprised that I was considering not clipping them. She said I'd change my mind when I saw behavior problems and agressivness, and when he flies somewhere high. She assured me that he had his first flight, as did his brother, before she clipped the wings. Should I let the wings grow out? It's debatable...

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That is a debatable subject but only you can answer that question, most of us would prefer to leave them unclipped as they are usually more confident because they came with wings and they were meant to use them.


You make the call but you have plenty of time yet for the wings to grow out and just see what happens, if clipping them is for you then by all means do it.


Your breeder probably has been clipping her babies wings for so long she just assumes they should be that way but you decide for yourself.

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Judy is spot on.


Enjoy your new baby and don't sweat decisions you won't need to make for many months. You'll get to know your Greys personality as it matures a little and have plenty of time to chat with the many of us that chose to let our birds be flighted. :-)

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