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Final Countdown


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As of right now I am 15 hours and 7 minutes away from being the proud parronts of a 3 month old TAG. Tomorrow at about 12-1230 I hope to pick up our baby at a restaurant in Oshkosh Wisconsin. I have my Adventure pack all ready to go but not quite sure if I should bring anything else along. Any suggestions on how to make the trip less stressful for the bird? It is about a 4 and 1/2 hour trip one way.

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Congrats on it being almost time for your baby to come home, bet you thought this day was never going to get here.


I would put a small towel in the bottom of the cage to cushion any fall he/she might make on the way home, maybe a little something to nibble on and of course some water as it will get thirsty in that amount of time.


Other than that I think you are all ready for your baby so enjoy for your life is about to change but its a good change.


Can't wait to see some pictures when you get the chance.

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Got the whole picture thing covered, camera is going with us and tomorrow when we get home and while the bird acclimates to the house I will download them. You are right I never thought this day would come, it is even surreal and it really has not sunk in because of all the work, I will have to try not to use my lead foot tomorrow, if I can get sleep tonight.

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Perhaps a drink of water before you start your trip back. And some apple slices and carrot sticks or the like so that you can hydrate your new baby and keep the mess down on the way home. When I brought my TAG home frankly all she wanted was to look out her cage and make sounds at me. So I talked to her on the way home. Congratulations on finally bringing your baby home. Can't wait to hear about how the trip goes and see some pictures.

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Medic3709 wrote:

Tomorrow at about 12-1230 I hope to pick up our baby at a restaurant in Oshkosh Wisconsin.


Are you getting a side salad and cooked veggies as well? :P


Congratulations, can't wait to hear the update and see photos. :-)

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Make sure the air conditioning in the car isn't to cold for him and if you don't have air conditioning you may want to wet the baby a bit so S/he doesn't over heat. Grapes I find are a good fruit to take along because they are mostly water maybe an orange slice Or 2 or apple. If you don't mind me asking why are you meeting at a restaurant instead of at the breeders house is she meeting you half way or something.

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