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Another Icecream Pic


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While most would agree that it is not healthy, the bottom line is that wehave taken them out of the wild, stuck em in a cage and we feed them a manufactured diet. A bite or two of something naughty to tke the edge off of not being a wild thing, and letting them have a small vice now and then should be expected. Espescially since they are a flock animal. if they see the flock eating something, it is natural for them to crave it and possibly feel left out if they dont get a bite or two. How many of us can say their fids have a perfect diet/exercise regimine 100% of the time anyway? I think the point here is to share our joys and assist with sadness. Dusty looks happy, healthy ad loved. So long as the vet doesnt find high cholesterol or some other problem, who are we to complain or judge? I dont run as much as I should, I eat junk, I watch too much TV.....our pets live a life similar to ours and while we do our best, we will never be perfect.


I think the pics are greyt Jaguar, thanks :)

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Thanks SchroedersJen i think people have lots that point. My Dusty has been to the vets last month and got a A* as everyone can plainly see he looks happy. People should look at there own life style and there own flids before jumping on the band wagon ( i'm sorry for sounding off) but alittle of something thats naughty wont do too much harm. Anyway now its time to go chase dusty from chewing my house

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Parrots lack the enzymes to digest lactose. Of course none of this matters because your parrot looks like he is enjoying his ice cream right? It also doesn't matter that he weighs less than 1 kg and what may seem like a bit to you is probably a generous amount to him.


I just hope that people who read this thread but don't post realize and understand that icrecream is not good for any parrot. This is not my personal opionion. This is scientific fact. Regarding table food? Well that's another topic altogether.




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Well it is too bad that you are going to let the way you "feel" get in the way of your parrot's health.


No one is born knowing all this stuff about caring for parrots... but you would think that when you know better, then you do better.


Hopefully this information will help to educate other parrot owners.

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Ok, the scientific facts and I must also state some "Theories", all say that dairy products i.e. Milk, Yogurt, Cheese etc. are ALL fine in Moderation.


Yogurt containing "Good" bacteria is in fact often reccomended by Avian Veterinarians for birds. Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Ice Cream etc. are also sources of Calcium and vitamin D.


The KEY here, is MODERATION and small quantities.


I give all the above to my Grey and Conure. They are both in excellent health and plumage.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/06 17:10

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lovethatgrey wrote:

Parrots lack the enzymes to digest lactose.<Snip> I just hope that people who read this thread but don't post realize and understand that icrecream is not good for any parrot.


These statements are 100 percent correct.


You are right, we do need to be careful that when we post things we do or give to our Parrots in small and moderate quantities and perhaps only once week. Can be VERY HARMFUL when given in large quantities and even too often as in daily or even every other day would be too much.


I personally keep Dairy products at a low level of one time in week in a very small amount.


I just wanted to post this to ensure no one thinks I am saying Lovethatgrey is wrong in her post of facts.

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Thanks Dan for reminding all of us that we can present our facts and still be considerate. I am new to using any kind of forum. What we mean and how we talk to each other in person comes across with emotion and our expression softens our words. Text is less forgiving and sometimes seems harsh.

I don't think it was intentional to seem harsh and critical, we are all very passionate about loving and caring for our birds. Still, my stomach is knotted on this particular thread. It makes me a little less inclined to be excited and share my new bird because I WILL make mistakes or do things someone else sees as unwise. I would appreciate the encouragement and advise but with an understanding and gentle tone please so I can learn something without being stung into avoiding the best part of sharing with friends.

If all our birds are individuals, and all are lactose intolerant, some would have more severe symptoms at tiny quantities, and some could eat a little in moderation without the intestinal distress. The cage papers tell the story, so to speak. A lot of "stuff" I read on the internet is conflicting, it is exactly the sharing we all do here that helps us sort out for ourselves what works for us and for our own little charge and that is a tradeoff sometimes. I promise I will be aware of milk products, but while avocado, chocolate and alcohol specifically are toxic and off limits, I would like the latitude to try a little morsel of what I eat because the social aspect of sharing is important too.

I would like to also say that almost all of your other posts have been wonderful, so it isn't one person or another that was "wrong" here, but if we escalate into what seems like a harsh debate, some new folks might not have the thick skin to stick around and let me just say that I think this is the best forum I have found in three years. Every one of you have made great contributions and I appreciate the time you have taken to share so I can come to you with my concerns as well as my enthusiasm. Thanks.

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I understand what you are trying to convey Katana and I appreciate the time as well as the effort that you took to write this post.


I am not an avian expert nor do I have alot of parrot experience either. What I can say is that I really love my parrots and on some level I feel very passionate about all parrots. I take being a parrot owner seriously and although those pictures may have seemed "innocent and cute" I felt they sent or illustrated the wrong message to potential parrot owners or those who are parrot owners but are not as knowledgeable. It isn't just the lack of enzymes to digest the lactose.. it is also the refined sugar found in icecream. I love ice cream too but I couldn't not risk this type of product to my parrots in fear of causing them bodily discomfort and who knows what else. With that said... along with the professional advice from my board certified and 25 years of experience avian vet I enjoy reading the threads of niche forums like this one.

I know there would have been a time that I would have chuckled at pictures of parrots eating icecream and other types of junk food and believed it to be harmless as well since others were doing it too and noone on the thread opposes it or speaks out. Not everyone has the critical thinking or takes the time to scrutinize what they see or read on the internet.


Dairy products like eggs are fine and a very tiny sliver of cheese is ok once in a while. Like already mentioned most things in moderation. Moderation does not mean on a daily basis or a weekly basis either.




Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/07 18:01<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/09/07 18:03

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At the end of the day Dusty is my bird he is 100% healthy and that all i care about if you get off by bash people on forums like this go ahead. All this badge wearing " my board certified and 25 years of experience avian vet " we all could start saying things like this. This is a cumputer screen and at the top there is a lovely RED X if you dont like my pic of my bird then Press it. My self i would only offer infomation if people ask and i didnt. The pic was and is for people that have common sense as Danmcq say "The KEY here, is MODERATION and small quantities". one thing i have noticed about this forum in the last few months ive been reading,people are fast to force there views on others. ive gained some great information from here and i am VERY greatful for that.

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