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Harley's vet appointment


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What a day. Harley weighs 673gr the vet says he is at minamum 200 gr under weight. other than that he Did well in his general check up his poop has no worms or perisites no bactreria infections his eyes,ears nose and inside of his mouth all look good his heart and lungs sound good so basicly he good except for his weight as far as outward apperances go. We had to give him a sedate him mildly he has never been to the vet before and was very scares so it helped to keep things calm while she did everything that had to be done he got blood drawn and his nails dremaled she testing for the 3ps plus heavy metal she also sent away a sample of his poop I forget what the test is called she said with a good diet he should put on weight fairly quickly. so the test results should all be back next Friday at the latest so that all there is to tell for now. he's still a little drowsy but he did eat a little when we got home. I fill you in on the rest when everything come in.

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I'm so glad to hear he did well at the vet appointment but poor thing is underweight but that will be rectified very soon with a plentiful diet which you are providing. Its a good thing you got him when you did or he would have slowly starved to death.


I hope all his tests come back that he is healthy and disease free and maybe the next time he has to go see the vet he will be able to handle it without any sedative. I bet you are glad this is behind you now Pat. Thanks for letting us know.

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Great new Pat. Was the vet able to help you with the underweight issue for the other birds? You had mentioned needing a statement from a vet for the officials to investigate the other birds that woman still has in her "care".<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/19 03:51

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The vet said she wants to wait and see how low his his nutritional levels are to see how malnurished he really is. I told her that I've had him for 2 weeks already so they may not be as bad a they were when I got him. She said they should still be down quite a bit. She said once that's done she would write a formal letter herself and make sure something is done. She said That its very lucky that Harley is young and strong or he could have surcome to any number of things being as skinny as he is. So I'm praying that the blood work comes back ok. She was pretty angry about the whole situation actually. She said people need to be educated on how to properly take care of them. she said so many people are living in the past before we learned that birds need more than seeds to be healthy. She said there are still way to many people that own birds that still think that how and what to feed them. The birds literally die of malnutrition at a very young age. She said that the larger birds will only live about a 1/3 of their natural life span if fed an all seed diet and that if their lucky and don't get sick first.

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I'm glad everything looked ok on Harley besides the underweight. Thats crazy how he weighs 673g and thats considered underweight, that just shows how big those birds really are. I am sure you can fix that problem though, you are a great parront. I hope the tests all come back good on Friday. My fingers are crossed for you and Harley.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/08/19 16:00

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