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The British NHS!


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There's been so much in the press lately about some idiot politician slagging of the NHS on some show in the States - even Barack's own mother has come out in the NHS' defence as they saved her life!


Here's my other guilty secret! I work for the NHS and I'm proud of it - there's too much "complain nation" going on nowadays and not enough praise.


I'm thankful for the NHS - they pay my mortgage and I don't have to pay if I become ill!


Rant over!

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I agree with you 100 percent Jill. These morons spewing lies they heard from people spreading them to the STUPID and ILL-Informed just make me sick.


They are all like a bunch of cows just following the path over the edge of the cliff.


I detest stupidity, I can tolerate innocent ignorance, but I have no patience for for blabbering fools.....

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Good post Jill, I'm glad you brought up this subject because it needs discussing.


Yes there are problems in the NHS but it is better we have it than not. For instance, at the scene of an accident there is no hesitation or delay in the treatment of casualties for fear they "look poor" and therefore have little or no insurance. There was a theory doing the rounds at the time of Princess Diana's death that she was not immediately recognised by those first on the scene and that time was wasted in her receipt of treatment due to those on the scene looking for insurance documents. How true this was no one knows but anyhow it probably happens.


Our NHS used to be the envy of the world but it isn't what it was due to many factors ie. modern expensive drugs and treatment and weekends being almost entirely dedicated to treating drunks and drug addicts brought into hospitals but IMO one of the main problems facing the NHS is our county's soft policy of allowing people who have never paid a penny in tax to receive treatment unconditionally, many who only come into the country to receive free treatment leaving immediately after.


Oh lord I could go on forever but I'll spare you all that. What I will say though is finding the perfect health system is probably near impossible. :-)

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I can only heap praise on the nhs. As most of you know my mum who is 82 years old is recovering from breast cancer.I can tell you now she has had the best care and treatment anyone could wish for.All her radiotherapy appointments were very carefully managed and everything was like clock work.District nurses came out to her and still keep in contact if she needs anything.Her follow up appointments are regular and thorough and everyone in the hospitals from cleaners to surgeons have done an amazing job .Thank God for the NHS.

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