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coming home tomorrow!!


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I waited years to finally have a grey and it's finally happening. He's coming home tomorrow.

how are most greys the first few hours/days at home?

I mean I have read so many articles on what to expect and what to do/not to do. Just can't believe it's my turn tomorrow...anyone have some experiences they can share with me?

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Hi Ordgreyomar, I can only tell you about my 4 month old grey when I brought her home. She was well socialized by her breeder and so was a real cuddle muffin and wanted to be held and cuddled from the get go. However each grey is different. I personally would suggest you ask your breeder and use your own instincts as to how much your grey needs to be handled. I see you posted in the Nursery Room first. Why don't you introduce yourself in the Welcome/Introduction Room so everyone will have a chance to say hi.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/08/18 06:14

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Allison it will take a few days for your baby grey to settle in and feel comfortable so give him plenty of time, he may be a little scared at first but just talk to him and offer him treats and it should go smoothly.


Welcome to greyt ownership, you have embarked on a wonderful journey, enjoy.

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so far Omar has been napping here and there, also eating like crazy and preening himself all the time. I hope this is a normal thing for the first few days. This is my first Grey and such a newbie. I can't relate him to any of the other birds I've had, so if anyone can just let me know if these things are ok. I know, I worry too much...

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Ok,good to know. thanks.

I feel kinda bad for him though, he was in such a quiet area and now the city life. He barely has his little eyes closed 1 min and then there is something to wake him up. Everytime the El goes by it wakes him up, or the sirens,or the trashman, or the towtrucks. ugh. I know he's gonna pick up something and I'm sure I'll hear it forever. But the first 24 hours with Omar, he is extremely quiet. The only sound he's made was when I uncovered him this morning and he let out a big shreak. I was like wow, and he did it again when I took him out of the cage.

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