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Jiggy - TAG

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I absolutely LOVE my Jiggy (TAG). He about 10 years old. I was there from the beginning, feeding him his birdy baby food to his latter years. All in all, I don't have many problems with him. He has a few behaviors I don't totally understand but basically he is a good bird. I feed him veggies/fruit. I also keep ZuPreem in the cage at all times. He actually loves ZuPreem (we had him on it since he was little). Oddly enough, he doesn't like the purple ones. He either avoids them all together or leaves them in his water dish and never retrieves them. He loves toys that he can shred. He will spend forever just pulling things apart. He isn't too bad with screaming but sometimes he gets mad when we leave the room and keeps calling us. I used to take him outside because he seemed to love it. I stopped doing it though because I am scared to death he would fly away. His wings are clipped but I guess it can still happen from what I read. He tried on a flight suit (with patented poop pouch) but he seemed to hate it. It felt like maybe it was too tight even though I ordered the correct model. He would get so angry in that thing so I gave it up.


I saw some videos on the internet called birdtrick.com. I was going to order it but I read that the guy using the "flooding" technique and I was worried that maybe that wasn't the right approach.


Also, I always wanted to see a DVD on Greys in the wild. I never came across such a thing so if anyone has seen a good documentary that would be great to know about.

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Hello Dirtybirdy and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Jiggy.


What a cute name for your grey and he sounds like he is a lot of fun which they are.


Do you have any other birds or is Jiggy an only bird?


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I can see he is a cutie from the pic in your avatar but if you have some more of him you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Hi Dirtybirdy and Jiggy. I take my grey outside in a wire travel cage I got from The Country Roost.com (thanks Judy for the site). Its great for overnight stays and trips to the vet as well. So glad you decided to join the grey family. Can't wait to hear more about Jiggy. Welcome to the Grey family.

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dirtybirdy wrote:

No other birds besides Jiggy. I don't think he would appreciate another bird in the house.:)


You might be right but as long as he remains No 1 then its not as much of a problem but actually having two birds is better for when you are gone they are company for each other even though they are caged separately.

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