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Need help ...please !


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hello everyone - sorry for no proper punctuation -it's just too hot to do anything here !


Anyway - i know this is not a classifieds website - but i really have a situation that has come up and i'm panicking !!


i need to sell koko - my one yr old grey - :( we are moving to a new place and we cant afford to get kicked out of there - the place we are in now is keeping us bankrupt. Koko deserves and needs a really great home - a place with lots of love and attention that i cant give him. I'm also unemployed - not by choice - and cant afford to feed him and buy him new toys - his cage is almost bare and that is sooooo not good for him.


This entire situation breaks my heart - if anyone out there knows someone that would like a clever and chatty grey - please let me know ! He is perfect in every way and very healthy!


I will sell him for 1500 - he comes with his paperwork , wings clipped , leg banded etc ....


The HUGE cage is seperate but very cheap !


Thank you everyone out there for your understanding during my rough times here in toronto.


Sarah :(

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