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Head Scratches


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Why does my grey seem to want a head scratch when he is in the cage but NEVER wants a head scratch (doesn't lower head) when he is out of the cage? Also, I usually don't head scratch him when he is in the cage (through the bars) because he will enjoy it and then sometimes turn on me. He will turn around and give me a bite. What's going on here?

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Your bird is doing the sucker punch, he lowers his head as if to invite a scratch and then when you get your hand there ready to scratch he turns his head and bites. Just stop trying to scratch him thru the bars and work on doing it when you have him out but watch for his body language as they usually have their eyes looking up if they are about to bite.


How old is your grey and how long have you had him?

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I agree with Judy, you gotta look at his eyes, they will tell u a lot. in his cage he feels like a king in his own territory. Give him some time to trust you, but remember he will always try to test you to see who is stronger be patient, and always tempt him with a head scratch when he is out of the cage, one day it will happen...



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My "Jiggy" is ten years old. When he is out of the cage he lets me hold him without biting and strangely enough he seems to like being petted like a cat/dog (head to tail). He does not seem interested in a head scratch. I have had him on his back but he seems really nervous and starting biting on his feet. If my fingers come close enough to his beak he will get aggressive on his back. He loves being wrapped in a blanket. He kind of nestles into the blanket.

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judygram wrote:

You might be stimulating him sexually if you are petting him from head to tail, we usually tell people not to pet their mature birds down the back, under the wings and around their tail especially the vent area.


Good grief. What does a sexually stimulated African Grey look like?


I never pet under the wings. He doesn't like that.


I never get near the vent! :sick:

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My vet explained the petting to me this way. After a bird has passed it's baby stage it is very confusing to them to pet them all over. Birds do not do this in the wild except mother to baby and mature birds as a sexual thing. It is sexually stimulating to them to pet them too much. Even on the back. A blanket can also be sexually stimulating for a bird, I fostered a cockatoo for a while and she loved to cuddle in a blanket and I thought it was cute until she started panting and making these funny noises that I realized were sexual.


It is hard for us to realize sometimes that they are not dogs, cats, bunnies ect. They are birds. I only scratch Whisper's head and neck area. The bites could stem from the birds confusion and frustration. I also believe that a lot of physical roughing and playing with a bird will get them in the habit of biting as your hands become another toy and target.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/18 04:31

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  • 7 months later...

Lol...I hope I am not stimulating Issac. I love to pet his back and kiss his chest and doesn't seem to mind it at all. I don't play around his vent...but I love those soft feathers on his chest and cannot resist. And the little leg feathes too.

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Stephen you can safely enjoy giving Issac scratches and pet his back right now but as he gets older you will have to back off some, he will more than likely not want as much cuddling and touching by then for most greys become more independent as they leave the baby stage.


Josey is going on 4 years old and I don't pet her down the back, under the wings or anywhere around her tail area, I strickly stay with neck scratches and such for I don't want to excite her which will only lead to frustration and possibly biting. She doesn't want much touching of her anyways and its best to ignore any sexual behavior and distract them to something else but you don't have to worry for a while yet as he is only 20 weeks old, enjoy it while you can.

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Yeah, I heard that they take less to this when they get older. So I am working in all the cuddling now while I can. He seems to think nothing of letting me for the moment. If I thought he was upset by it or didn't welcome it, I would respect that too. ;)

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