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He is Driving me Crazy


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As I mentioned before, my baby TAG decided to stop hand feeding. I cut him from 3 feedings to 2 thinking he might eat better. Well, that didn't work. All he wants to do is fly. He is crazy about it. If I close his cage door he scratches in his food bowls and throws his pellets every where and climbs up and down the door begging to get out. When I open the door he flies to my shoulder and climbs on my head. I return him to his cage and he does it again. He has taken a couple long flights as well. He has even managed to turn some corners to go into other rooms. I am very proud of him obviously but it is driving me a little nuts.


He weighs in at 280 and I am going to monitor that closely since I can not get him to sit still long enough to hand feed him. He continues to eat his pellets, millet, and cheerios. He doesn't seem to like fresh foods but I still offer them. I tried to give him his formula in a bowl but he looks at me like I am crazy.


I better go let him out of his cage before the nut hurts himself trying to get out.


PS- We have been calling him Chicken. I don't really like that name as I feel he deserves something better. I just can't help it. No matter what Chicken is the name that comes out when I talk to him. lol

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I guess Chicken is fascinated with his ability to fly and who can blame him but if he refuses his feeding then he is ready to wean. Keep offering him fresh food as one day he may start eating it.


Thats great that he is getting good at flying and I hope you are going to leave him flighted, it will take some work on your part but he will be more confident if he can fly, you will have to make your home grey safe for when he is out and about.


Isn't it great to see him fly and bank and turn corners, you must be thrilled to death.

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Cool and I like the name too...


I think since he is new to flying, he is still crazy about it, but he will get used

Keep on offering fresh food until u know what he likes, try oranges, apple, seedy stuff like green beans, snap peas, okra and stuff like this.


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