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Two Year Itch? Behavior Problem


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Hey All,


It's been a while since I have posted. Things have been going really well. My CAG (Bug) has been a real joy. He started a plucking issue about a year ago that we resolved with stimulating him more. He is flying now and that has seemed to build his confidence. He's very playful and we had gotten to where he would hang upside down from my hands and swing like a monkey. We were having a blast. Before I start on my question, let me say that upon recommendation from my vet, we've been holding his feet with our thumbs when he is perched on our hands. That has worked flawless since we began it over a year and a half ago. Well, something has changed. He hates me now. I was his favorite (over my wife), but now he just flies away from me. It's been over a week of this. Sometimes he lets me get close and even touch him (I scratched his head yesterday), and the rest of the time he just flies away. I was able to get him to step up this morning, but he starts to bite my thumb (the one that's over his feet) like he's trying to get away. If I raise my other hand to change hands, he bites at that one. He will be 2 on 21-September-09. I was just wondering if there is a maturity phase he's going through. Nothing has happened that my wife and I can think of that would have caused him to lose confidence in me. He likes my wife much better now. Any ideas? Thank you!!

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You hit the nail on the head.


He is maturing, entering his "Terrible Two's", showing independence and any Parrots do not like having their talons pinned and will bite as you describe. If they biting when talons are pinned, you'll need to stop or suffer very damaging bites.


Does your wife pin his talons as well? If not, perhaps thats the cause of the change in who the preferred one is?

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Yes, she does but she does not handle him nearly as ofter in general. I have always been his preferred human. In fact, even though he is not running/flying from her, he is still not letting her be as affectionate as I could be if I could get anywhere near him. That's about normal for him and her. Also, I am the one who always gives him a bath. That's been okay for a very long time. He hates it, but he never seemed to associate me with the evil bath-time. I was able to get him perched this morning and I gave him a bath. He had his talons pinned the whole time and there was no problem...other than he hates baths. When it was over, he started the biting. I suffered a couple hard bites. I kept him distracted with a fisted hand, but I knew I was in dangerous territory and was able to get him back to his cage without losing a finger. You have to remember, this is all new territory for me. For two years, I have not even had the slightest hint of biting behavior from him. I just got back from the store and went over to where he was perched. He let me walk up to him, but when I went to pick him up (just to see what he would do) he started a mad dash to get away from me. I'll bet at some point today, if today is anything like the last week and a half, he will fly over to my shoulder. His behavior is totally random. It's like I have no domination over him all of the sudden....and he knows it. It's like he knows I have no game. His behavior is totally random....vasillating between submission and dominance. Do you suggest not pinning talons, then?

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Do you keep his talons pinned and bathe him? If so and he hates the bath, he could have finally just decided the best way out of that is to bite the pinning mechanisms, namely your fingers and hand.


I would not recommend pinning and bathing a bird if thats what you are doing. You do not want a bad experience like a bath, related to your hands.


You will need to make the determination if you must stop pinning his talons. If he only bites every so often, learn to read his body language and move your hand just enough to throw him off balance before he can reach your fingers or hand.


If he bites constantly and harder and harder, you will need to stop pinning them.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/17 20:52

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I have never pinned Charlies tallons,I prefere him to stay with me because he wants to.I am a believer in giving parrots choices.Such as if he wants to sit with me ,great, but if he wants his cage thats also fine.At two your grey is growing up and showing independance. I think you need to start from the beginning with the step up and trust building.He may well switch his preferred person from you to your wife,this often happens but you both can have a bond with the grey,just in a diferent way. Work on trust building and avoid situations such as the pinning that encourage biting.

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I would not pin my Emma's talons unless I was helping her with her wing flapping exercises. I don't understand the purpose of doing the feet pinning each and every time you handle him. I would stop it if I were you and only do it if you happen to bring him to a place he is not familiar with or during very exceptional situations.

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