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Hi i have brought my first bird and its a grey its 19 months old and needs hand training and the owner says it will talk but has not yet had him 24 hours so any help would be super

ps and will he start talking:)

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Hello Hill and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your bird.


BTW, what is his/her name?


There is no guarantee that every grey will talk, there are a few that never will and if yours has never talked at 19 months of age he/she may never talk but it is too early to tell. Most that do talk will do so by age 1 year as did mine and some talk much earlier but some will take longer and maybe yours fits that category but time will tell.


There are so many other amazing features about the grey that even if they do not talk they are awesome creatures to have around. If mine didn't talk I would love her all the same so don't base everything on the fact that they are good talkers.


You will need to read thru as many of the threads as you can to learn lots of useful information about the grey and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of your grey you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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Welcome Hill!!


It' GreYt having you here and congratulations on bring your first Grey home. It's a;ways wonderful to see someone take in a new Grey in need of a home.


Judy gave a great answer on your Greys talking question.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your Grey when you get a chance. :-)

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His name is buster we have just had him out of the cage and he came out but when trying to get buster back in he went mad, squaking and trying to fly away(will this hurt him?)got him onto the stick afer alot pursuasion and the onto my arm and into the cage after about half a hour:)

He is very shaky (does this mean he is scared?)

He is talking a little (shut up and wolf whistling)but the other owner says he is a good talker will this progress as he gets use to us?

He is taking food from me and throwing it,is this a form of playing?

plus some of his feathers came out.

The few question i what to ask is

I want him to bond with me, so do i need to be the only person in the room when i have him out.


do i need to keep trying or every other day or so


and what is the best way to do these things


ps i have only had him 24 hour the person before me had him from young and never spent any time with him and i think that is why he is like he is, but he does love his swing lol :-)


thanks martyn :)

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You have only had this bird for 24 hours or so, he needs more time to get used to you and being in new surroundings, greys are very cautious of new things so be patient with him.


Greys do shake or quiver their chest feathers, it could be he is scared but you will find out that he does this at other times too but it is normal for them to do it.


He is throwing his food when taking it from you because you are strange to him and that is his way of showing you he is doesn't trust you yet. Building that trust and bonding with you will take some time so don't rush it, he may be more accepting of his food if you put it in his food bowl.


If there are other members of your household then they should all be involved with him, he needs to be socialable with all of the "flock" meaning you are part of his family now. Greys tend to choose their favorites and he may very well choose another member of the family but if you are the one to give treats and do most of the work with him then chances are good he will bond with you.


Just keep talking to him and tell him about things, tell him what you are doing at the moment and when you are leaving and so forth, they understand more than what we give them credit for.


Others will come along and give you some more ideas and suggestions but you are doing fine so far.

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Well, can't blame Buster for not wanting to go back in the cage after being in lock-down at the first owners. That is just not imaginable when you would think they would have spent lots of time with one of these intelligent sentient beings with so much to offer in them.


Time and patience as he settles in to his new home and flock will bring out the best in him. :-)

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