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She Talks


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Hello all. It's been quite awhile since I've posted last. Would like to add an update. Last year in Sept I purchased a Congo, I already had a timneh for about 7yrs. The congo was only a little over a year when purchased, and not yet talking. Within 4 mos she developed quite the talking ability, all of which she picked up from Granny the Tag, from sounds the Tag made to all the words she said. Not only did she learn the Timneh's speech, but picked up other words as well. Every morning when getting the birds up I greet them with Good Morning and their name. I've been saying "Good Morning Granny" for 8 yrs, and never had Granny repeated the phrase. Well before long Ruby the Cag was saying the phrase Good Morning Granny, and wouldn't you know that once the Cag started using this phrase the Tag soon followed. Thought it funny that she only decided to start saying this because the Cag said it. It's amazing what they are teaching each other, I wonder if others of Multiple birds have this same type of thing going on???


By the way it's gr8 to be back here. Hope I can participate more often.


Tina in OR.<br><br>Post edited by: tibanks, at: 2009/08/17 04:38


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wow...this is so cute. I love the wy they teach each other.

I noticed this when I played a video Cookoo (my brothers grey) for Kookie. He went nuts and kept reaching for the laptop wanting to lick the image of Cookoo, then in fw minutes he was repeating the words of Cookoo who is an amazing talker.

I am sure that he learn more from the video of another grey talking than from me..this is amazing



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My two copy each others speach all the time ,so much so that the cockatiel has a fantastic vocabulary he picked up from the grey,some quite complex phrases for a little tiel,hello there how are you being just one.

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Thanks for the response. I am glad they are teaching each other. I dont necessarily do speech training they seem to pick up what they hear around the house, or words I use when interacting with them. Both are female and although the picture shows them together, I can only do this for pictures and under close supervision. They don't get along because Ruby is quite bossy, and mean so I really have to watch and make sure she does not terrorize Granny(tag)

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