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The Further Adventures of Spock !


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B) Hi, Spock here...I was helping myself to my veggies and my slaves chased me away...If they didn't want me to help myself, they shouldn't have left them out. I have been pushing my limits lately, I wanted to see what I could get away with. My slaves wanted me to step up and I didn't want to so I made them ask me three times before I finally decided to get on their fingers. I heard my slaves say something about me going through the "Terrible Twos". It sounded awful...I just want to show my independence. And, no one will preen me!!!! I step up to Jim and lower my head but he just turns away. My Sun buddies will do it sometimes but they don't get out as much since they decided to re-enact the London Blitz and annoyed Jim and Salsa with diving on their cages. Salsa won't preen me, she just squawks and cries like a baby when I get too close to her. And another thing, when she (Maggie) is preparing our fruit and veggies, she covers them so I can't snitch them. I get around that though and eat off the plates she has ready...ha, ha, ha....I have been trying to teach my slaves Vulcan but they don't understand me. They think I am just making whistles and sounds...I tried the Vulcan Mind-Meld with Jim but he does not want to cooperate...I decided to explore Jim's abode...It was interesting...very different from mine and cool toys. Even the food tasted different even though it looked the same as mine...he doesn't have the refined palate that I do. My slaves had visitors but I don't like to interact with them. I will get on my slave (Jay's) shoulder but that is the limit. I will not get any closer and they can't make me! Yesterday, they tried to give me a bath. I HATE IT! They tried and I screamed loud enough for the neighbor to call on the phone. The indignity of it all...I preen...that should be enough. I guess I am calming down....I like to sit on my slave's leg and preen myself while I watch TV. They rub my head and give me pumpkin seeds. Sometimes, they forget when it is bed-time and I have to fly over and get into my cage on my own. I feel bad for Jim...he can't fly but he is coming out of his home more....He does understand Vulcan though and he and I talk back across the room. Well, it is snack time...peanut butter anyone....


Live Long and Prosper;) Picture008-1.jpgPicture027.jpg


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I always love hearing updates from you Spock. They are always so logical. It makes one wonder why your Slaves just don't get it! ;-) Obviously, it is just inferior reasoning and logic abilities of non-vulcanites. So please forgive them and humor their best tries at making you comfortable in your palace. :-)


Looking forward to your next transmission!!

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