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T.V. Favorites?


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I think it is important to vary the entertainment for your grey. Sometimes tv sometimes radio.I also swap radio and tv stations.I also ensure a mix of toys and hide treats around the cage,wrap treats up in bits of paper or in foraging toys.

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I have the t.v. set to the Noggin channel. It is a children's cable channel. I have it on a timer for 4 hrs so she can have her nap in the afternoon. I am not sure if she likes it or not. She has not said one way or the other but I know she does not like sports.;)

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I leave the TV or radio on for my companions during the day if I am gone, but it is probably more for me than them. Frankly they don't really seem to care one way or the other. I just don't want them to be faced with silence. I do see that the paper rings or foraging toys they have are used so I believe they probably enjoy being busy themselves rather than entertained with music or cartoons.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/08/16 22:44

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I usually put Bob the Builder on for Sterling in the morning and then he is entertained with whatever the family is watching the rest of the time. He keeps himself busy shredding adding machine tape and his wooden toys.


Dixie enjoys news shows - but her real favorite is Golf - don't ask me why - but put on a golf match and she watches intently. I think it's the "whoosh" sound the clubs make.


As far as music - they both have different styles and tastes. Sterling will gladly dance to anything by Michael Jackson and Elvis. Sterling has learned the Cupid Shuffle and as soon as I get a tripod I'll video his "dancing" with me. Dixie prefers jazz and Frank Sinatra. I like country so I lose out on this one.





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