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Dixie needed Help!


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Last night Dixie as on her playstand, located near the bay windows which are covered in bamboo shades. I keep the shades pulled up until evening and make sure her stand is located far enough away so she can't reach them. Hubby put Dixie on her playstand and didn't pull it out enough and sure enough, Dixie found she could reach them.


I was in the kitchen fixing dinner for her and Sterling and I hear - Help LP, Help - but she says this all the time. It's her new favorite phrase which she put together herself, so I blew it off. LP decided to "answer" the call and see what she was doing......well.


Here was Dixie hanging upsidedown by her feet off the shades, stretching trying to reach her stand. The next thing I hear.....Mom, HELP! He didn't know how to help Dixie and I went running, scared to death. Hubby beat me there. Simple fix - move stand a little closer which she quickly grabbed hold of and back onto. It was hysterical. I'll answer call of help next time!




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That's hilarious. The one time Dixie wasn't crying wolf...perfect context and true understanding of what it meant!!


You do know though, that she could have done it herself. She just wanted to watch you and hubby freak out. :P


More karma for the morning laugh!!

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Dixie is quite the card. Yes, I figured she could have reached the stand herself, she got from there to the shades.


In the past I've seen her get herself into predictaments where she was hanging from her beak and those little feet reaching for something that wasn't there. She usually does this on her boing. That's why she knows "help". I always ask her if she needs help when she gets like that.




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