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Is he jealous?


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So Benji is sitting on the computer desk right in front of me as I do some work on the computer. One of the kittens jumped on my lap. I immediately grabbed her to put her down b/c I'm very leary of interaction btwn. them.


But even b/f I got her all the way down, Benji lunged at her.


Then he walked a few inches away on the desk. I reached out to pet him and he turned away and "stomped off." He gave me a horrible look.


Normally, he pays no attention to the cats and he's never lunged before.


I wonder if he's just getting more of a survival instinct as he gets older (4 mos.) or if he was upset that kitty was intruding on our quality time.


We've made up now but he was clearly annoyed.

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LOL - He may very well be jealous. He's a baby himself and thinks he should have 100 percent of your attention.


The other possibility is, He thought "What!!.. Don't you know these things can kill you?" as he walks away in total disbelief you didn't know that...:P

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