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Meet Stazel


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So, if you read my post on the health board, you saw we got a 6yr old CAG.



There she is outside on our deck!


She is very friendly, the only thing we're having a problem with is the fact she can be nippy if she doesn't want to step up. Just enough to pinch, but pinching is enough to scare many people away. (So, anyone who wants to touch her HAS to keep their hand there even though she pinches.)


She's eating great, to get her to try new foods we have to eat a piece in front of her before she even THINKS about eating it. Her favorite, are apples. We've been cutting them into little pieces, and every time she steps up without nipping she gets a treat.


She just started talking yesterday, but she's very shy and only talks when we're not in the room. Everything from dogs barking, door knocking, answering the telephone and the machine. She does all sorts of clicks. She's ALREADY picked up a few phrases we say to our dogs. (She's only been here since Sunday)


My dad's already made her a simple pvc perch so when he's out in the pool she gets to watch from the deck.Which brings me to my first question. Here in Florida, the mosquito's are terrible. Are they going to bother the bird when she has outside time with us? Should we keep an eye on it?


and my second questions is she seems to be scratching up her beak. She has very visable scratches on one side, and I noticed her scratching her beak on her sandy perch. Should I take it out of her cage, or is this normal?<br><br>Post edited by: stephjls, at: 2009/08/14 01:25

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"Which brings me to my first question. Here in Florida, the mosquito's are terrible. Are they going to bother the bird when she has outside time with us?"


You bet the Mosquitoes can cause a problem. They carry very dangerous diseases that can kill your grey or other birds. A Mosquito net is a must if their outside.


Scratches on their beak is normal.


It's GreYt to hear she is doing so well and your very fortunate she just gives little warning nips. She truly sounds like a very sweet Grey. :-)

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Stazel is a very pretty grey and that is great that she is being vocal and talking some, maybe after she has been there a while she will do it with you in the room but some just do not like an audience.


The mosquitoes do pose a problem as they can carry diseases, it would be recommended you use some type of netting if you are going to have her outside much.


They all scratch and rub their beak on rough surfaces, it helps to loosen flakes that are naturally occuring all the time.

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Stazel is so pretty Steph, and I love the name you chose! It sounds like she is adjusting to her new home very well. Thats wonderful that you gave her a loving home. I live in FL also so I know how the mosquito's are at night but during the day I don't see a problem with them. I only take Ecko outside during the day and I've never seen a mosquito come near him, and I do watch carefully. I would just avoid bringing her outside at night because those pesty mosquitos are dangerous to our babies. Anyways, can't wait to hear more about Stazel and her progress. :P

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Week two with Stazel, and this one's been a bit hectic.


Sallas: My porch is not screened in, and no she wasn't wearing a harness. She only has one wing cut, and its very short. As much as she'd like to fly, and as much as she tries, I don't think its going to happen. (but correct me if i'm wrong.)


For starters, I work at a doggy daycare and there has been this dog here living with us for a couple of months. The owners don't like her. So I took her home because my neighbors were just starting to look for their first dog. She's small, a doxen basset fauve mix. Her owners SWORE up and down she was fixed. When I told them she was in heat two months ago, I was called a lair, and "didn't know what I was talking about" that the owner took the dog in HERSELF to get fixed. Well, the dogs teets were getting pretty swollen, but she wasn't gaining to much weight. We thought it could just be because her hormones were messed up coming out of heat, but we were wrong. Last night at midnight, (the weekend I take the dog home mind you.) the dog went into labor. She only had two puppies, but it took 3 hours to deliver and make sure she wasn't having anymore. One puppy looks healthy and fat, the other one not so much. Can't wait to call her old owners.


Stazel is very picky on her fruits, and only eats the soft sweet ones like cantalope, watermelon, apples, ect. She does love her pellots though.


The breeder we got her from said not to feed her to much fruit because in the wild they are seed eaters and all that fruit isn't healthy. When reading and doing research I felt like every site was disagreeing with him saying they needed plenty of fruits&veggies. So should I be limiting them to a certain amount daily? Usually I just give her a bowl in the morning.


The nipping has really settled down.


She is such a silly girl. Sometimes when i'm least expecting it i'll open the door the the room she sleeps in and i'm greeted with a great big "HIIII" or "Good morning!". She has a lot to say, and is already picking up sounds around the house. (Still to shy to practice in front of us though.)


If I play music for her, she'll dance. She puffs up her feathers and bobs her head and makes a clicking noise. Its so cute(=


Needless to say, the entire family is in love with her.

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What a great update on Stazel, she is starting to settle into her new home and it sounds like you are doing great with her, I can imagine that more and more of her true personality will become evident as time goes by.


About the fruits and vegetables, they should have more veggies than fruit, in fact I wouldn't even feed fruits every day but the veggies I would.


Thats interesting about the dog, I would love to be a fly on the wall when you tell the dog's owner about the puppies.


I would still be a little leery of taking Stazel outside even with clipped wings for if she was startled by something she might surprise you with what she can really do, I wouldn't want to take any chances.

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Stazel is definitely a beautiful girl! Congrats on your new addition!


I agree that she really should have a harness when outside even if clipped. If something startles her and she gets the right kind of breeze she could make quite a bit of distance/height in flight, and if she doesn't fly away she could get herself hurt or stuck somewhere.


Veggies and fruit are greYt for them, but I've also heard that veggies are more important than fruits. If she likes the softer type of fruit, maybe you could try mushed up sweet potato. The grocery store near me has individually wrapped sweet potatos that are ready to pop in the microwave with no prep needed. I usually microwave it for about 6 minutes then cut it in half, scooping out all of the yummy insides and letting it cool to a warm temperature before giving it to Chimay. He also loves whole pea pods (snap peas are his favorite). I think he treats them a bit like foraging toys...he never eats the pod itself but loves shredding it up to get to the peas inside.


Keep us posted on more of Stazel's progress!<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/08/22 16:41

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