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Finally ready to fly from the nest...


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Ok well I'm a bit of a overprotective worrisome mother to my greys...their happiness is a big concern to me and I spend most of my time at home caring for birds and dogs. I haven't taken a vacation, not even a one night trip away from home, since my Lyric hatched 3 years ago. I couldn't stand the thought of leaving him and wondered if he could possibly survive without me around to cater to his every whim! After some persuasion from my best friend and thinking how nice it would be to have a little break...I'm going away for the weekend. Mind you, I'm starting off slowly...I will be leaving tomorrow at noon and back on Sunday. But, I feel it's a step in the right direction and will be good for all of us. I'm leaving my boyfriend at home to mind the flock and even though he isn't that thrilled about them, they are comfortable with him and he'll be able to make sure everyone has food and water while I'm away. My biggest worry about the whole situation is that Lyric will feel like I've abandoned him and pick his feathers from frustration while I'm gone. I guess I realize now though that it will be a wonderful thing to have 2 whole nights to myself to do what I want and have a little fun. So...as I prepare to stretch my wings and fly off for a little adventure....wish me luck that all goes well and I don't return to a naked timneh!

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Ahh! Lyric will be absolutely fine! I had the same worries when I went away for a whole two weeks and I left Harvey in a strange house, with these two strange humans (my parents!!). Dad sent me text pics of Harvey and it was clear to see that he wasn't missing me at all!!


When we came home, he came straight to me and kissed me to death!


You'll have an absolutely fab time - and just think - no parrot poop!!! :)

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Jen, you worry wart, Lyric will be fine. You have a great time. You know what to do. Explain to Lyric that you are going to be gone a couple of days and to be good. Tell him when you will be back and scoot out the door. Can't wait to hear about the great time you have and to hear how much Lyric appreciates you when you get home!

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Jen, you need to discuss the rules with Lyric. His friends have to clean up after their parties, no loud music that bothers the neighbors, they have to eat REAL food and not just treats all day . . . ~grin~


Enjoy your time and don't worry about your sweetie

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Jen go have a great time Lyric will hardly realize your gone and you will be home again. I'm not really one to talk though I'm just like you I haven't been anywhere away from my birds since I got Fergie about 8 yrs. Gosh just saying that kinda makes me think I should take some time for myself. I did go Camping about 5 years ago but I took Fergie with me at that time she was my only large bird I had 2 budgies also but they where not tame. But Since I got the other birds I have not gone anywhere. I couldn't bare to leave them for any length of time even though I know my Daughter would gladly come and stay here while I was gone and take very good care of them. Maybe next year.

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Of course you all were right... everyone survived just fine and I had a fabulous weekend. Thanks for the encouragement. It was so nice to have a break. The birds were thrilled to see me when I got home.

The only real problem seems to be with my doxie pup- he had a major step-back in potty training and gave my boyfriend quite a few messes to clean up while I was gone.

All-in-all, I'm glad I finally flew the nest...it was about time!


Pat, you deserve a break too! If your daughter would gladly watch your flock for you, I say go for it!

Caitlin, yes, Lyric has picked feathers a couple of times before- never very badly. His father is a nervous bird as well and also feather plucks, so I feel like he is more likely to do so himself.

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Lyric wrote:

The only real problem seems to be with my doxie pup- he had a major step-back in potty training and gave my boyfriend quite a few messes to clean up while I was gone.


Man, glad I'm married and not in the boyfriend mode any more. "Oh, Hi honey, the doggy left lots of stuff for you to clean up, how was the vacation?" :P


Hope you had a good time!! :-)

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