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So this is the third night that i have brought home my CAG. I decided naming it "rocky" before i get the results. So far for the third day knowing my family, he has adjusted well, when he is on the ground, he always goes up to me and tries to climb me. He makes bird noises and likes to cuddle.


As usual in all my posts i have a question. I had him in my room Monday, and Tuesday just so i can keep an eye on him at night. Since i saw he was doing well, i moved him to the living room tonight so i can get my desk space back. and also since thats where i plan on putting his big cage, i want him to get used to it. Is it okay for the sudden change? I mean he seems like a happy bird overall, and i bought him a few toys and he seems like he can handle it. Is this a good idea, or should i bring him back to my room.

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Hi Paulie.. I gather you didn't get a cage just yet? You do want to get that as soon as possible so your bird can establish a place called home...


Regarding your question about changes.. I believe that the more changes you expose your Grey to the better for your grey.. It's important to take him all over your home and expose him to Lots and Lots of people.. Especially now when it his young.. This is show him quickly that people as not a threat... So I wouldn't worry about what you are doing...


I know I look forward to all the stories you are gonna be telling us about you baby... and I am also sure your family members here are gonna love them to..

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Joe, sounds like he's doing very well. Like Cd & Judy said, he does need his own cage asap. It helps them to feel safe and secure when you are not right there with him. Keep us updated, I'm looking forward to hearing all your "firsts" with him! :cheer:

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I bought some toys for him a ball, and connecting shapes. I came home from work, and he had messed his whole cage up. I'm guessing he was hanging from the connectors, and he fell, his perch was flat on the ground and his food was spilled around with some left in the bowl. He has learned to step up, and he is Tweeting like a bird when we talk. One thing i do like and don't at the same time is him being obsessed with me, he will not get off of me after being with me for an hour, when i put him on his cage, or somewhere to go get a napkin to clean up his poopy he tries to go after me. I think its cute but i don't want him to get so attached that i cant sit in the living room with guests and him going crazy.


About the cage thing, is it safe for him to be in a big cage now? I mean he is young and still climbing around, I've seen him fall, what if he falls from the top and hurts himself?

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I think he is safe being in a bigger cage now, but you might want to put a towel or something in the bottom to cushion a possible fall until he gets more confident.

You are part of his flock so therefore he wants to be with the flock and he follows you around. Try putting him on a playstand and if he gets off put him back repeatedly, I'm talking hundreds and thousands of times, and tell him to stay but keep in voice contact when you leave the room. Persistence will eventually pay off, he will learn he has to stay where you put him. But enjoy his wanting to be with you but sometimes he needs to amuse himself without being right on you all the time. Hope some of this helps and keep us informed as to your progress.:)

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Guest Lidia

judygram wrote:

I'm talking hundreds and thousands of times, and tell him to stay but keep in voice contact when you leave the room. Persistence will eventually pay off, he will learn he has to stay where you put him.


Karma for Judy's great advice!

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Hi Pallywalnut,


It sounds like you are having a great time with your new Baby "Rocky" and he is living up to his name :-)


He sounds like he may end up wanting to be a cuddler by the way you describe he always wants to climb up on you. Does he also want you to touch and scratch him?


As others have already said, something on the bottom to cushion his falls is a must.


The updates are great. I really enjoy reading the adventures of Rocky and yourself!!

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