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Hi Guys, Im from New Zealand and hav a cag, he is 8 months old. I have been involved with parrots most of my life, but this is my first ag.

I hav had a passion for birds and animals for as long as I can remember. I hav lots of pets and totally enjoy my time with them, good to see another two members from New Zealand.

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My cag is called Indy, and he is wonderful, or at least I think hes a he lol ;) , im gonna to get him dna'd just to be sure. I also have a rainbow lorikeet called Ally and a Barraband (spended parrot) called Barry, yes I know, not very origanal name there lol. I have four dogs, yes four, a collection of cats, a possum and a turtle.

Indy is my dream bird and I have waited a very long time to get him/her. He is already saying some words and a couple of phrases and Im very proud of him :laugh:

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Wow a pet possum, now theres a pet you don't see everyday, they are pests where I live but to each their own, you are certainly an animal lover.


Indy is already talking at 8 months, Josey didn't say her first word until she was 1 year of age but they vary from one to another.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I can see from your avatar that Indy is a great looking grey but we would love to see some more pictures of him if you would share them with us.

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