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do you think my husbands trying to tell me somthin


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My husband and I have been seperated for 2 yrs now. I like how things are and have no intentions of going back to him. We didn't have a bad marriage or anything like that I just didn't want to be with him any more. I was very shocked when I recieved a birthday present the other day and it was a 4 kt diamond ring he said its because he never gave me a nice ring when we got engaged so he got one for me now. Do you think he's trying to tell me something.

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Perhaps he feels he has never done right by you and is trying to make up for it now, exactly like he said. As long has there are no strings attached that you don't want, accept his offer for forgiveness and enjoy your new bling. Of course, the only way to really know is to ask him.

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I did ask him and he said theres no string I said to him what should I do maybe I shouldn't except this its a beautiful ring with 4 1kt diamonds he said he doesn't care what I do with it its yours sell it if you want he said Strange. He knows I will never take him back i don't feel that way about him anymore. I don't Know what to do. I could never live with him we don't see Eye to Eye about the birds and they are my first priority after my Daughter.

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OMG - yes, of course there's a hidden agenda! Like Char says (sorry guys) there's ALWAYS strings attached. He could have just bought you a new purse or some costume jewellery!


Saying that, we don't know him and he may be just a tip top guy (in that regard!!). Keep it - that rainy day may be on the horizon.......!

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Pat, the way I see it;


a, the guy is still very much in love with you




b, the guy has a guilt complex that has been eating away at him for some time and this is his was of easing his concience.


Keep the ring, enjoy wearing it or if you can't wear it because of the connection with your ex, keep it safe and when you are ready, sell it and use the proceeds for a cause you see it fit for.

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Oh yea,he still loves you, and is hoping to win you back. I have been separated for 2 years, and divorced, but he still keeps trying...even tho I am happier than I have ever been.

In my case, and I feel all men are this way, there are underlying strings attached no matter what. Keep it, don't wear it, and use it when you need to. ;)

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