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dam can it TALK...


It started a couple nights ago when I thought it said "Hello". Last night I could sware it said "Whatcha do'n" and he has been making ALL sorts of sounds for the past couple nights. Well, tonight it won't shut up lol.


Let's see, where shall I start...lol


"Come on let's go potty" (previous owner had dogs lol)

"Dam boy, get your f'n ass outta bed" and unfortunately its clear as day in a mans voice and it's not abbreviated.


Its also mocking the microwave, ring tone, and a bunch of other sounds I don't recognize.


I think I am going to miss the quiet lol - NEVER!!! I am so glad its talking, now just trying to get the fowl language under control.


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Well at least you know Smokey can talk pretty soon you will be looking for the on and off switch. life will never be the same again Forget ever watching a good movie in the same room with your bird and try haveing a conversation on the phone whenyour Grey is yaking its head off and you can't remember what you were going to say because he keeps interupting your train of thought.:laugh:

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Smokie just needed to settle in and feel comfortable before he would speak but speak he does apparently. That unfortunate that he was owned by someone who used foul language but ignore it when he says it or he will keep doing it for the reaction he gets. He may eventually stop saying it but he should at least not say it as often if he no longer hears it spoken but at least he has a colorful vocabulary.


Thats funny that you wanted him to talk so bad and talk he does but his choice of words leaves something to be desired, oh well maybe in the future he will talk a cleaner language.

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Thanks guys...Yes I was excited for him to speak...I had a fear that the move would be tramatic for him and he would never talk again...well that is NOT the case. Fowl language is VERY RARELY spoken in our house so I am in hopes it will stop...


He stops talking or making noise as soon as I acknowledge him what so ever...even looking at him...so for now I know how to get him to stop lol...but that probably won't last once he is more confortable here.


I'm still excited no matter what the language is right now...thanks for sharring in my joy :)

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My female is cursing from her previous home; and she says the a-hole word when I offer my fingers for her to step up, almost every time. I am trying the route of ignoring it, and not reacting to it -- reacting is reinforcing that this action gets a reaction. That methodology seems to work with biting -- or it did with the last one -- so we shall see. I reward her with a grape for nice things like hello, goodbye, how are you?

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Congratulations on Smokie opening up the old voice box!!


I noticed your called him "It" now in your post. A little overwhelmed by IT, are we. :P


Just kidding. I can see you are beaming with joy in your post. Which you sould be. You've done a GreYt job in making him feel at home and loved in his new home. :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it has been awhile sinse I have last posted but life has been busy...


Smokie is doing great! He/She has picked up new words. Its actually funny...we say to him/her "step up smokie" and when he/she does we say "good bird". Well, he/she has started to say it. In my bf's voice he/she will say, "Step-up Smoke <pause> Good Bird" several times in a row. He/She is also saying "I love you Mommy" and "Where'd Daddy go?"


We have also heard him/her mock a cockatoo - Dam those birds are annoying. lol There was one in the previous home Smokie lived in.


He/She also LOVES to make noice when we are watching TV and not giving him/her attention. We kinda solved this...we either hang on to him/her or put him on his perch that sits next to out chairs.


It's been 6 weeks - I think - and still no regrets...we love having Smokie in out family!!!


This is a pic of my daughter holding Smokie for the first time.

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