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New female grey


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Hi all,I've come here for some advice. After many years of hoping "one day" to have an CAG live with us, and instead of acquiring the baby grey I had planned for, we came across Madison,who is almost 5 yrs and came from a good home, a young couple but mostly handled by her male owner. At first, she was friendly enough with me, but slowly but surely, she has turned all her attentions to my husband. She postively adores him, even to the point of regurgitating on him.

To be honest, he wasn't bothered about having a pet parrot, I had to do a lot to persuade him! LOL, but, he works away from home and I'd really like to know if there is any chance that we might have some kind of relationship other than the steely glare I get from her?

BTW I do all the care for her, feeding, cleaning etc and she is out of her cage most of the day, but will not go to anyone but my husband.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.

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Hi ysanne, so sorry to hear your grey has chosen your husband as her favorite. By the way, what is your grey's name? This is not an unusual thing to happen as there are other members who face the same problem. You should introduce yourself in the Welcome/Introduction Room so that everyone can get to know you.

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That typical of greys, they tend to pick a favorite and since her former owner was male she has picked your husband but that doesn't mean you cannot have a good relationship with her. It will take some time but continue to talk to her, offer her treats, feed and clean her cage as you have been doing.


You have the best chance to work with her when your husband is away as she will be more receptive of you, she is going to give her full attention to him when he is there so take advantage of the time he is gone.


Dave, our resident expert will give you some good advice as he has much experience in dealing with greys and their problems.

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Ok thanks everyone. I'll post in the intro room, sorry, not yet familiar with this site.

I've had Madison (Maddy) only a few weeks. I do understand she will have her favourite person and thats ok with me, as long as I am able to have something with her also. At the moment my husband has withdrawn most of his attentions from her, he still talks to her in passing, but doesn't handle her or allow her on his shoulder. Hopefully we are doing things the right way, obviously thats why I'm here.

Thanks again.

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Well, congratulations on taking in a Grey in need of a new loving home!!


Madison sounds like a wonderful Grey just needs to time to adjust and get her bearings. She evidently prefers males and thus latched onto your husband as a "Familiar" and perhaps preferred human sex.


Your doing all the right things and even as number two banana, the more distant relationship will hopefully become closer or more time. :-)


Karma to you for taking in Madison.

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You have not had her long, anything can happen yet. She may be going to your husband because males are familiar to her and that may change yet and it may not.


Our female bird loves both my fiancee and I, but when my fiancee goes by the birds cage the male bird will puff himself up and yell at her if she gets to close.

Out of the cage he will tolerate her as long as he is by me. But when it comes time to put them back in their cage and she needs to take him back (I am disabled) he will yell as loud as he can that she is taking him away from me. Well, it is more that I am giving him to her, but I am not sure Thorn sees it that way.

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In the beginning when we first got our baby CAG, he preferred my husband, too. He'd spend all of his time outside the cage on my husband's shoulder, and didn't stay with me for very long periods of time. Now, however, that's all changed! He doesn't have a thing to do with my husband and won't even let him get near the cage, except to let him out! He's chosen me as his one and only, and everyone else beware, he will bite them all if given the chance. So your CAG might change her mind over time as well.

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A few weeks vs 5 yrs with another family and the bird formed an atachment to the man. Your bird still finds men attractive. Plus you do all the dirty work. I disagree with the sufggetion of your husband being out of sight al the time so that you can form a relationship.

That's like saying that wbhen I was growing up, my mom did all the washing, cooking, giving me everything I needed for for school. I really should appreciate it but 2x a week, my uncle came over with 3 different kinds of candy bars just for me. Who's my favorite??

Actually, your husband should share in all the feeding, cleaning and everything else that seems like a chore to you. Eventually, it's 2 people doing the exact same thing. There's a possible chance that the bird will react as if there's actually 1 person doing the whole thing. Do it erractically. Confuse the bird. Give him treats and don't let the husband give him treats. Tell the husband to give treats that the bird doesn't like but you should give treats that he does like. Confuse the bird. You shouldrealize that there will never be an equal relationship with you and the bird as opposed to your husband and the bird. My greys are just like that. One of them loves to perch on my arm, but if I try tio pet him, he'll get irritated. my wife gets the bird and he'll only sit on her knee and he wants her to pet him.

I've got another grey who loves ice cream or sherbet or cereal. I can sit down with it in my hand and he'll never come to it. Mywife sits down with the same items in the same bowl and he instantly flies over to stick his face in it. Why they do it, I don't know but I've had my best success by confusing them.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/08/13 19:59

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